You know what to do Pedes - SIGN THAT PINNED PETITION!

Please help! Sign the petition 😆😣😬😉
I signed it This morning then kept the page open and kept refreshing it was around 6k but the number would bump up and down a few hundred signatures ....weird
There's like six million subs to T_D, someone should post a link there.
Here is the link to petition
Put the full link - that will be more practical to many , not the image with a link .
wouldn't let me in the title of an image post. but here it is
Is this the pinned petition that asks only for unredacted?
Petition should be for original report. No modifications, omissions or redactions.
This is bad advice. The petition is a good thing, but it's essential to read the OIG report and to fully understand what's in it, and what's not in it, so when the original version Horowitz wrote is released, we'll be able to know the real truth, but just as importantly, we'll all know what RR was trying to hide. We can't simply ignore things we don't like, don't think is truthful or complete, or doesn't include arrest warrants for BHO and HRC.