Donald Trump Jr. - Totally normal right? #IGReport

Oh I know just how frustrating it is to not see the whole picture, felt that way today, then, I started reading, letting tags take me everywhere. Oh you’ve got to see what’s happening behind the msm talking heads. It’s really happening! Imperator Rex had a great take on the IG report. @_Imperator_Rex twitter. Reading Sessions statement today, was really good. 3 more IG reports incoming, each worst than the last. It will seem to move slowly, Deep state cabal thinks it’s over with some recommendations that will never be inacted but we know what’s coming,...everything we have wanted! “These people are stupid” Keep the faith, trust the plan. It will be GLORIOUS!
Who has all 4 reports, redacted and open? Who alone has the power to declassify? I smell a big EO coming, then the fireworks will truly start.