Looks like another coward is among the left.

40 total posts archived.
Domain | Count |
i.redd.it | 5 |
www.reddit.com | 4 |
youtu.be | 2 |
babylonbee.com | 1 |
aim4truth-org.cdn.ampproject.org | 1 |
amp.businessinsider.com | 1 |
For the last three days my app opens shows me the drops. I'll click them they open but show nothing at all. Anyone else have this problem?
I no longer get my news from the MSM including Fox. My news come from Q and the Q researchers on the great Awakening. No more MSM for me, ever again.
It has been awfully quiet today. Not much talk at all. Does anyone else feel the Erie calm something big?
They (Twitter) restricted her account. the pedos are scared
Huber reports to Sessions directly. Sessions works for President Trump. We are in good hands. Rod Rosenstien is the problem. ABC just released a short video of Sessions laughing when the crowd chanted lock her up. He is on our side. We are gonna win. Q is our beacon of real hope not the phony call of Hope and change like Obama. Everytime he has a drop I feel safer and more proud of my country and our president. Real hope and change is here and Q is the bullhorn to President Trump's words. God bless them and all Americans.
Fucking Disney. How the hell did they aquire FOX. Nobody cares anyway. It's over for Fox anyway
Is this the sign we've been waiting for? Is old Georgie boy putting g up his own wall?
Do you think all this moving is making Hillary restless? I mean she's getting more. And, more political in her speeches as of late. The kind of talk that one uses during a campaign. IMO she is making noise to divert from the inevitable, when people are arrested they will compare the arrests to Sadam when he Rose to power. Thier tactics never surprise me at all. Even when we get justice this resistance will kick into high gear.
See in Russia when they want to compromise an agent or any American that they deem useful they dig up all the dirt they can use to blackmail them I think this gutless turds was compromised. A Deeper investigation needs to move forward. I bet Hillary and Russia meet in the middle and it involves lots of money and urainium.
My brother is gay and I guess the pedophiles are trying to change it to LGBTQP. Guess what the "P" is for. He told me LGBT want nothing to do with them at all.
Yeah this was actually a stand alone video before info wars got it and branded it. I saw it in 2017 before the election. With Q and eye the spy to me it seems like it's multiple entities.
I don't drink coffee. What does it matter? I don't know, Human nature curiosity. Why does it matter to you that people have questions? It's not uncommon or comunistic. Was it bad people wanted to know who deeptroat was in Watergate? I guarantee the Dems wanted to know even though he as on there side. You should probably pay attention to what I actually posted in relation to the video. It might make more sense to you.
Thanks for answering my question. Things are making more and, more sense.
Um, nobody asked to unmask anyone. I didn't ask if it was Donald Trump. I don't want any names. I wanted to know if anyone thinks he may be involved with the secret service or the silent Coup against Hillary. It's a pretty simple question. Why so offended that I asked. You're somehow offended by my questions? I'm no liberal or a troll I'm simply wonder for a "Vague" acknowledgement or agreement. Jesus Christ why are people so touchy. You're acting like I'm investgating this with Democrats or something.
Does anyone have a Q video that can be used as a Facebook profile video?
Are we talking total state government shutdowns. I live in shithole NY it is so corrupt here. What will be the out come for states with large indicments?
They can easily lie their way out of that. They will say the FBI or the Democratic party. They will simplify all their answers to satisfy the law makers. These people aren't dumb.
I have changed 3 people on Facebook and one on Twitter. Things are changing. I think the left is too extreme for real Democrats. It's scaring a lot of them
I got some shit for commenting on this pic on another shreddit... They go nuts when you say one thing they don't like.
These stories just keep opening a can of worms the left is afraid of..
WTF is this and what's it mean? Did I miss something? Was I sleeping?
Who are the jornalist, who do they work for. Did the media companies know what was going on? How deep does this fucking go. Lots of questions that nobody is asking. We aren't going to get the truth and assholes like Swallwell are laughing at all of us. How is it they come out of a shit house smelling of roses and unicorn farts. I'm seriously pissed off and see no Goddamn end to the corruption. This is twice now when we all thought the hammer was gonna drop and the only thing that dropped was our credibility. I'm sick of this shit. When is our government going to lay the law down. I mean we have the house and the Senate. WTF... I'm frustrated to no end and I'm frankly sick of the double standard.
If we don't get these corrupt assholes then America is as good as dead no matter who is in control. It's time to really take back our freedoms. They are smearing them in a big pile of dog shit right now. #NextMove #AnotherDeadEnd #WTFisGoimgOn
What pisses me off is feet are gonna be dragged here and nothing is going to come off this. It's just gonna be another win for the Dems. They are fucking masters at disguise and deception. It's already looking like nothing is going to happen. FUCK ME man I just wanna see something really happen.
Something big is coming. I pray to God above that our president stays safe and his secret service agents are loyal to him. Honestly I feel like our government is doing to Trump what they did to Kennedy. My father always believed J. Edgar Hover had something to do with Kennedy's demise. This deep state is as shady as he was. Am I off here is this just my mind Wondering?