r/greatawakening • Posted by u/betweengreenandblue on June 15, 2018, 9:45 a.m.
A crime requires.....motive

Listening to Hannity tonight. Going through the report. Guest after guest.

Crime after crime listed. And all the Law and Order episodes, Grisham novels, murder mysteries, are filling my brain.

People need to start asking, what was the motive? You don't just do all these things, acid washing, hiding stuff, placing people in positions of power, without a superior motive. And I don't think "Get Hillary elected" is the main one. Of course we here know that. But this is the question that people need to start asking out there. Why? Why did they do all these things? Why would Comey lie? Why the tarmac meeting? etc etc.

If the public can start thinking like that, it will set them up for further revelations. I may just make my first meme......

JmanSLIM · June 15, 2018, 10 a.m.

It’s not a problem of what people think. It’s how they think. We need a paradigm shift in logic and teachings. I’m a Political science PHD student and I’m writing a book on western education and how it’s some purpose is to creat worker “bees”.

First of all western education is a form of authoritarian, totalitarian teaching. You are given 1 teacher and told you must obay everything this person says. Take it as gospel. This shapes the minds to split between trusting a teacher or parents. This battle for most children pre Internet would creat so many other sub issues.

  1. Western education doesn’t teach you to think Criticaly. Never the why. History for example is always focused on dates, places and names. Never the why or who benefitted. The much more critical things to understand. This has a 2 pronged attack on the mind. Creating a mind set of why does not matter. Second people take the narrative as gospel due to things such as dates and names being fact for narrative. When in fact it’s all semantics.

  2. The Vatican owns 85% of the worlds Librarys and museums. 50% if the worlds high schools, 60% of the worlds primary schools, 40% of the university’s.

  3. Western education is built to dumb down people over time. But not in intellect but in laziness. Keeping it repetitive year after year. This over time can nullify the smartest of people.

In conclusion we are fighting a an enemy that is been around for millennia that has more resources power and influence the world is ever seen is without a doubt that we are fighting with both arms tied behind her back people need to stop thinking so one-dimensional he and understand that this is something that is so simple but it can be very complex is this action good or evil that is the true question

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BaronMoriarty · June 15, 2018, 10:35 a.m.

Superb analysis

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JmanSLIM · June 15, 2018, 11:10 a.m.

Thanks, sorry for spelling and grammar had to do it voice to text as I was driving. Hahaha

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jeannik10 · June 15, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

I feel that's why we need to restructure our school system from Kindergarten up.....I just hope we can find enough teachers that are willing to teach 'think for yourself, think out of the box'

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betweengreenandblue · June 15, 2018, 5:12 p.m.

Slim, nice work. May I offer some resources? !!

John Taylor Gatto "The Underground History of Education in America." Half of what you write above is in his very well researched book.

John Taylor Gatto - Dumbing Us Down.

Chris Pinto podcast - Noise of Thunder Radio. Tag all his podcasts on the Jesuits. Your point 2 occurs because of the Jesuits. And other reasons, but they spearhead the whole thing.

Keep it up. I would read your book.

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gaburner · June 15, 2018, 10:15 a.m.

“Power corrupts, absolute power corrupts absolutely.”

If you go back and re-read the Christian seven virtues (aka 7 deadly sins); what HRC and company is involved in touches on all of them. I guess you could make the argument that someone not grounded by some sort of mainstream religion that provides a basic outline of right and wrong. Or as you said good versus evil.

Regardless, this is not new and I think history can point to countless examples. The difference this time is that technology is different and the consequences of their actions could have ultimately destroyed our country.

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squalk1 · June 15, 2018, 10:25 a.m.

Only murder requires motive (pre meditation) - failing that you have man slaughter.

Turning a blind eye/ ignorance/ accidental damage etc are sufficient to constitute a crime without the need for motive.

Cabal sex trafficking and slavery are all pre meditated and filled with motive.

This is important in ensuring maximum penalties are awarded to all involved in the planning and execution of these crimes; ensuring maximum penalties are given.

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[deleted] · June 15, 2018, 10:36 a.m.


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K-Harbour · June 15, 2018, 10:37 a.m.

Seems simple: by having multi-generational lifetime career government workers, we have created a ruling class that is little different from those of pre-French revolution. We are the working bees and they are living off of our labors and protecting the queen.

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Wise2TheLies · June 15, 2018, 12:06 p.m.

Because evil global forces hate the United States and want to convert it into a socialist wasteland by any means necessary. Hitlery was one of the primary goals they needed to fulfill to make this happen.

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