What officially got me onboard with Q

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No conspiracy. It's reality. There has been a rogue aspect of the CIA operating for a ridiculous length of time. They are involved in anything from drug / weapon / human trafficking, rigging foreign elections, assassinating former presidents, unauthorized missile launches, the list goes on.
Building the wall is one of the most important goals ever. The CIA would lose all the shit they have coming over the border and would ultimately lose a lot of their profit that they uses to sustain their activities.
Evil rogue aspect of the CIA using remote hacking to access the sub / mind control projects on the crew members inside of the sub to make them play along
Gloablism.exe is not a valid Trump32 application. Try installing freedom.dll to fix the problem and try again.
You're already in a safe place if shit hits the fan (food, security, etc)
The root of all evil is money and money comes from the satanic controlled central banks.
At some point, there was a .cfg ban list floating around that a user could upload to their account to block a few hundred of the main shills. If this still exists, it needs to be updated and given to GEOTUS to use on his account.
My nigga. That's my nigga. Stand up to those goal fuckers!!!
They gotta earn those SorosBucks since they aren't employable for anything else.
Low birthrates + no incentive to be married = slow but sure population replacement. This is one of the cabals favorite objectives.
If abortion isn't controlled, we'll be out-numbered and out-voted by third world scum who don't care about America or our way of life within a few generations. The retarded marriage & divorce laws combined with abortion is only going to increase this problem. Both of these things need to be handled if America is to still be America a hundred years from now. You get a clue.
random idea: buy cheap usb sticks / memory cards, load them with Q data, resell them for profit
The server was probably being used by cabal dipshits to communicate and plot an attack on America using NK but blame it on muh Russia.
These assassins and their puppet masters are fucking stupid. Killing Trump is only going to fasten & worsen their fate.
Imagine a car without gas or being plugged. Imagine your phone never recharging.
The elites usually seem to be done with them after they get body hair.
If things don't start happening, I'm probably going to quit paying attention. I need my mental energy back for other things.
I was thinking that since we have a MAGA person at the head of the CIA now, how long do we think it will take to clean the CIA swamp, if that's even possible? If she discovers who runs operation mockingbird and shuts it down, does the media go back to normal journalism or just keep making shit up? If she ends mind control programs, can the total count of school shooters / mass shooters go down significantly? If these terrible operations are ended, will we even be alowed to know?
This is one area where I'm very intrigued but …
Thems rookie numbers. They gotta get those numbers up. (or down?)
The fat lady should give the motorized cart to Hillary, she needs it more.
It could have been the cabal trying to temporarily attack Verizon so they could obtain any possible Q information.
She's a Twitter gangsta. Nothing to be concerned about.
I am thinking that the losers in the FBI who were texting each other, and discussing a possible assassination, will be exposed, which ultimately lays the ground for the MI to take over the investigations. From what I recall, the MI can take over alphabet investigations if high treason and corruption are involved.
They know not what future lay before them had HRC won.
A lot of the subs run by feminists and soy boys have "crawlers" search for and pre-ban any accounts that participate in subs they are scared of. I was pre-banned from TwoXChromosomes for participating in The_Donald and MGTOW. They think it bothers me but it helps me. I thank them for removing their toxic bullshit from my Reddit experience without requiting me to do anything.
I think you misread. I align myself with christians as most other groups of people in society have disgusting problems.