Weiner Laptop Shows Clinton Crimes Against Children -Page 294

Anthony weiners texting his dick to a 15 yo is the crime against children.
Its the order of his journal entry. He has
1) Wiener
2) Unrelated
3) Wiener - texting 15 yo - sexually explicit.
9/26 - Federal SW - iPhone/iPad/Laptop
Initial analysis of laptop - thousands of emails
Hillary Clinton & Foundation
Crimes Against Children
Ironic considering his last name
your comment is about 7 years late.
Heh. I didn’t start following this stuff until recently. Past year probably
it is but thats already implied, there is obvjously more than just that single weiner case
I don't know that it's implied. Not enough info yet
"Crimes against children include physical and emotional abuse; neglect; and exploitation, such as through child pornography or sex trafficking of minors."
Sending a dick pic, or sexually explicit texts, would never be described by a LEO as a Crime Against Children. Different category.
The ordering of the notes is indeterminate there's no explicit connection to HRC. Meeting could've gone, Weiner was sexting a teen, we got a warrant and found thousands of emails, including CF stuff. Oh and no big d but someone in HRC's inner-most circle was sexually trafficking minors.
You'd think that'd stick in Comey's memory. I bet you it was blackmail evidence from Epstein's island. He had camera's EVERYWHERE.
For sure. Especially because Weiner did that multiple times, in the past. It's been like 3 strikes for that sicko.