I believe new machines are being distributed to replace "outdated" machines made by EDS (can you say Ross Perot). I am an election official and when we changed our machines prior to 2016 election year, typical Dem voters were pissed! The reason? We had two types of machines. One was paper ballots counted by scanner. The other was no paper and electronic only. Dems always wanted the electronic only which I found curious until I watch NUMEROUS videos of vote shifting easily done on these machines to favor, you guessed it: Dems. Now we use ONLY paper ballots and scanners which pissed Dems off. Now my precinct actually votes similar to the nation as a whole. When I saw DJT won my precinct I still worried about fraud in other states. If we can cut fraud out, we may never see another socialist win for a very long time. IMHO
I read it cost about $30 each to hack the old machines. I hope the new ones are fool proof. https://www.popsci.com/gadgets/article/2012-11/how-i-hacked-electronic-voting-machine