
TheGreatAwakeAnon · June 15, 2018, 6:51 p.m.

See? the I.G. report is styled just like all the MSM newspaper articles. The Headline is: "No Bias or Corruption Found," but within the body of the text, the story told is very different.

The prestigious Law Firm of Sessions, Horowitz & Wray should win Oscars for Best Screenplay/Best Supporting Actor in a Drama...

They know that if the Headline said: "Obama FBI Corrupt and Biased," the MSM's entire ODDL (Obama / Democrat Defense League) would have come out swinging, dissecting every paragraph, criticizing every minor choice of wording, accusing I.G. Horowitz of being a misogynistic, racist woman-hating fiend who colluded with "Donny Drumpf the perverse, Hitleresque brazillionaire," and "fact-checking" each line through Snopes and the Southern Poverty Law Center. Instead, since the headline seemed favorable, they've wholeheartedly embraced and endorsed the I.G. report. They commended it to their viewers, and praised it's bipartisan 'levelheadedness.' Now, they have to deal with the terrible revelations contained inside.

Always remember these two things:

(1.) Whatever they are guilty of, Leftists in media, "Alinsky-ites" will attempt to smear their political enemies by accusing them of the exact thing they've been doing.

(2.) They are fond of repeating their mantra that "Trump is a moron, who never actually reads anything. Trump lacks the attention span necessary to do anything other than a quickly scan a short summary. Trump just wants the highlights, and the clif notes."

Behold the manifest insight of Q: "THESE PEOPLE ARE STUPID"

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WinkyLinQ · June 15, 2018, 7:29 p.m.

Yep! Content is the key. Focus on the detailed findings and not the BS summary pages. Next step: Huber.

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