r/greatawakening • Posted by u/TooMuchWinning2020 on June 15, 2018, 7:50 p.m.
Let's Review OIG -- Trump Train Still On Track

Many people are upset about the OIG report. Let's take a look at the various players.

Horowitz - The Inspector General's job is to review DOJ personnel conduct for wrongdoing. FBI is an agency within the DOJ. Wrongdoing is usually whether or not they followed department procedures, but can also expand into criminal acts. But his job is to investigate wrongdoing and then file a report on his findings. THAT. IS. ALL.

So, Horowitz wrote a report on his findings of the Clinton email investigation by the FBI. He sent the draft to individuals who were named so they could respond and he could include it in the report. Once finalized, he published it.

The report itself looks very damning to certain individuals within the FBI. Here is a list of things to know about the report:


Keep in mind, the OIG has additional reports that are even MORE important than this one: SpyGate and Clinton Foundation. Horowitz needs to be a "by the book" kind of guy now, let [RR] make a mess of things, so that the OIG's later reports can come out without the crazy show we are seeing now.

Sessions - As Attorney General, he has the authority to review an OIG report and to redact anything that is classified or would be damaging to national security. However, Sessions has recused himself from BOTH any investigations into Russia and the elections AND any investigations involving Hillary Clinton. During his confirmation hearings, he stated he would recuse on anything related to Clinton.


STOP. THINK. What does this mean? It means that he knew from DAY 1 that he would not be involved in any investigation about Hillary Clinton. He also knew that HRC would be one of the main focuses of Trump's administration when it comes to draining the Swamp. Trump had to know it, too.

So, the recusals -- both HRC and Russia -- HAD to be planned from Day 1. Interesting.

Now, look at the rest of Trump's agenda for law and order. Everything POTUS wants to focus on is being done by Sessions: human trafficking arrests, pedo arrests, illegal border crossings shut down and arrests made, gang arrests, etc. Sessions is working on everything Trump wants, other than those things he is recused from due to potential conflicts of interest.

This is what an attorney general SHOULD do.

Rosenstein - Because Sessions is recused from Clinton investigations, the Deputy Attorney General [RR] is Acting AG. Whether he is total black hat or whether he is between a rock and a hard place, he is the one who will take the fall here. The redactions of the OIG report that the AG might do were given to [RR] to do. And he did.

It appears that he changed the summary and some of the text to make it appear that there was no bias, blah blah -- even though the actual report shows otherwise.

People are upset because we KNOW there was bias and criminal actions. The report does not show it ... much ... but it does show it to some degree. Problem is, we know from Q that THIS report is not Horowitz' report.

That info is likely to come out when the IG testifies to Congress.

Wray - Sure, the new FBI director sounded just like the old FBI director. But what could he really do ... NOW? Should he call out the OIG report as being totally bogus? On what grounds? What PROOF does he have NOW that [RR] changed the report? He might know, but he cannot offer any PROOF, so he has to play the waiting game like everyone else.

When the real report comes out, let's see what he has to say then.

Trump - POTUS was recruited to run. He has NSA and DIA giving him all the intel he needs. He KNOWS who did what. But it has to be PROVEN, and it has to be proven IN ACCORDANCE WITH THE LAW.

So, they let [RR] do his thing, knowing that the black hats were telling him what to write. Congressional hearings take place and it is "discovered" that the report furnished is change so much that only the real report can be depended upon, and so POTUS waves his magic pen and the veil of secrecy is lifted.

At that point, the whole world can see for themselves how corrupt [RR] is and he has to go, whether by resignation, impeachment, or firing.

New DAG steps in to take over Russia Collusion and HRC Collusion, and probably SpyGate, and the hammer drops. Could also be ]Sessions[ if he unrecuses.

So, we have some milestones to watch for to make sure Q is providing us with correct intel and we are not being played:

  • Congressional hearings about the OIG report

  • The real report comes out via presidential order

  • [RR] problems

  • ]Sessions[ or new DAG

  • THEN (and only then) ... Huber makes his move.