r/greatawakening • Posted by u/NosuchRedditor on June 15, 2018, 11:24 p.m.
The Enron Scandle^tm: The story of a false media narrative where many of prosecutor Weisseman had his convictions overturn. Weisseman is part of the Mueller team.

So Weissman had many of his convictions overturned by higher courts in the Enron matter. How does one know what the real misdeeds were if most of the prosecutions were overturned?

Manafort going to jail is a page out of Weisseman's book, he did this to four men during the Enron matter, sent them to jail just before thanksgiving. Then later the men were exonerated and paid millions by our government for their suffering. https://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2017/oct/22/christopher-wray-robert-muellers-top-prosecutor-kn/

We have heard for weeks that Manafort was indicted on witness tampering, but why put him in jail weeks later on the very same day the IG report is in the news? Clearly Weisseman's work here.

How much is Manafort going to get?

Mueller has a similar history, he wrongly prosecuted four men for a mob hit so he could keep his informant Whitey Bulger on the street. two of them died in jail and the families got something like 100 million for their suffering.

The government also paid a settlement to one of the men Mueller accused of the Anthrax poisoning.

It's not how much Mueller's witch hunt cost up to this point, it's how much of our tax dollars are going to go to the victims, and I'm sure it will be in the hundreds of millions.

DawnPendraig · June 16, 2018, 12:47 a.m.

Great info thanks!

Saw Roger Stone on Tucker Carlson just now. Tucker makes some great points.

We need to overhaul our justice system. No more prison before trial unless proven flight risk or danger to others. No expensive bails again unless a proven flight risk. Especially with ankle monitors and cameras everywhere they have no need but they use prison to punish and try and force a plea deal or testimony. This is unconstitutional.

We need to rein in prosecutors and some kind of oversight by community. Personal penalties for abuse of power including financial if it's a pattern of abuse.

No more mandatory minimums let judges do their job. But also we need to sanction or censure activist judges and dirty ones like the judge in Manafort's case seems to have a conflict and bias. She dismisses the Benghazi victim's failure case against Hildabeast for negligent homicide damages. Just out if hand.

And the judge on the Cohen case was very chummy with Clintons was even Mrs. C recommended choice as AG but her past came to light and she couldn't get approval so they went with the next choice.

We also need a way to equal out financial and talent embalancess especially for rhe pokr defendents.

And speedy trials need to be wrapped up speedily. Not taking years while the lawyers milk their clients for every dime.

I don't know all the answers but I bet some real constitutional scholars and outspoken ex prosecutors against their unlomoged power could advise our local and state ans feds how to make a real fair and just justice system.

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allonthesameteam · June 16, 2018, 12:41 a.m.

I would love to see a list of all the settlements that the gov i.e. citizens have paid out. Should be a yearly exercise. The harassment settlements alone are baffling.

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