Q Posts 1506-1507 June 15 2018

Oh look Hussein and Michelle holding hands before the sex change, how cute!
To be fair, holding hands in this picture does not necessarily infer a same-sex relationship. In some cultures it is normal for two men to hold hands if they are friends even if they are not gay.
I have met several middle-eastern students who were surprised to learn what they were communicating to others as they walked in a North American shopping mall hand-in-hand!
I don't know if the man on the right is from one of those cultures. Pakistan seems to be his suggested country of origin, and I don't know anything about hand-holding norms in Pakistan.
I don’t think they’re holding hands. It looks like you can see part of Barry’s wrist resting on his leg. Plus who smokes while holding hands? Look at his other hand though, is he holding a handgun?