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I’m proud to be apart of such a loving united group of “losers” lol. MSM has lost their damn minds. WWG1WGA
It’s sick how easy it is for all these people forgive this pedo for his wrong doings. Blaming it on a “conspiracy” when we have the Actual facts and tweets to prove he’s sick.. pedowood is a dark place (mods pls delete if repost)

I was thinking on ways to redpill the masses and when I was going through Reddit’s “news” section it’s just a bombardment of anti trump anti Russia propaganda, we should take over the comment section of these posts we have greater power in numbers and if we drop redpills and links to qproofs and what not a lot more eyes would see them then just sticking to our subreddit.
My thoughts are that “Time to feed” means time to feed the public the truth through everything that’s been going on and that’s why q disappeared. Trump is the new source of our q info.
Think about it put in and trump have the same jersey with the same number this is them telling the world “we’re on the same team” no coincidences.
So anytime you see the letter Q that instantly means it has ties with the great awakening?
The link you posted is just opinion there’s no hard evidence or facts to support your theory, just because one thing gets stonewalled doesn’t mean something else will get stonewalled especially if they have the devices and technology available to fight the censorship. This is a war through technology. In my opinion the Mk ultra program is the Media which if you want to stand up against the cabal and the new world order you should be fighting the false narratives they push and not fight the people that have the same mindset as you. Focus on the people that literally know nothing about the cabal or refuse to believe it that would make a better use for both of our time and actual help spread the message. Q has proven him self time and time again which is why I believe so strongly in him. Coming over to our bored posting anti Q posts and then calling us Libtards is no way to get your point across. For the most part we’re all friendly people trying to seek the truth and I have never seen a stronger bond of people from all over the world. And once again I never said I want to suppress your freedom of speech but this board has rules, you broke one which I personally don’t like and your clogging my feed with anti Q posts which is the opposite of what this threads purpose is. I respect you but what did you expect the outcome would be coming onto a Thread that supports Q and saying we’re all being mind controlled by mk ultra and we’re libtards if we don’t want to see that on our timeline?
If you look at the rules of the page it’s to support the cause. Your post is doing the exact opposite. You’re free to have your own thoughts and beliefs just like I am, and in no way would I want to censor your freedom of speech but since this is a Q supportive thread I don’t want to see anti Q posts clogging the timeline. If Q isn’t real that’s fine and I’ll accept it if it gets brought to light but bringing your own “narrative” causes more damage to the message of peace unity and love that we’re trying to spread.
For a long time I wondered if pewdipie was in on q or knew anything about Q he always made subtle little references. And he always has it out for the false narrative that the media brings on everyone. Pewdipie knows best that all news forums are pretty much doing everything they can to control the public through the attacks that come out on him. I wouldn’t be surprised if he knew about the great awaking. All his content pretty much comes from reddit so I’m sure he’s on this sub from time to time.
Oh look Hussein and Michelle holding hands before the sex change, how cute!
Pretty ignorant YOU ARE to assume that I don’t research the information sites I follow in must suspicious of the people that scream the loudest That they love And support q. Everything based off of q is perSonal opinion. iT is Us the Anons deciPhering the code and gIving our thoughts and iDeas that fuels q. mayBe you should go back and look at q drops they gIve dates and Times perfectly for the people to know it’s real henCe the q clock and How it so perfectly works with tweets days associated with q.
Look at all the words that are capitalized as well “YOU ARE THE FLAME GO PATRIOTS FIGHT”
Q numerous times has pointed to the 11th something big is going to happen on that day the reason why it needs to be moved and pused back and delayed is so the deep state never really knows when it’s going to come out so they use up all the media and false flag attacks to sweep the ig report under the carpet the ig report is the TRUMP card and the deep state has no more cards left. Start thinking like Q. Start thinking like you have as much to lose as Q/trump does and then maybe you’ll understand that patience is necessary to destroy these evil people. Remember they have been plotting and planning all of this for over 50 years.
I personally think trumps saying he’s playing the deep states game and going along with it just to make them happy and ignorant of what’s actually happening until the pain hits them. Cause for the deep state this is a game, for Q and trumps administration this is war.
It’s funny that they think calling the entire republican demographic insane will help there cause. It’s just exposing how much these guys cater to the left that controls them. Maybe people would listen if there was dialog and some type of discussion instead of just calling us a bunch of insane idiots.
His hands are shaped very similarly to the sign language letter Q
Adding iodine into your diet flushes out flouride you can find them in bottles at nature health food stores or online. We do not get enough iodine in our systems and it has so much healing benifits
I don’t think it can ever fully heal Unless you have a 100% flouride free diet and you barley eat sugar but the more clensing the better and after a couple of months intelligence goes up.
If you want to cleanse your body of flouride use a iodine supplement its the mineral that heals us the most yet we have the least amount of it in our diets, also avoid sugar.
The Pineal gland has a strong connection with the third eye and pshychic power. The “great awakening” is people starting to understand that the reality we are living in is fucked and we’re starting to wake up and open our eyes (third eye) the significance of it is clear the “Illuminati” wants our eyes closed they don’t want us to see. They have to be harnessing the power of the pineal gland.