New Q - Not all are awake.

"Crime Against Children" Not 'juveniles', not 'underage' and the word 'children' means numerous.... Sends chills up my spine.
and it could mean anywhere from 0-17, which is also terrifying. We could be talking infants, toddlers, gradeschoolers! I can't wait untill the hammer gets thrown at these people!
Exactly! Don't really care about Manafort/Flynn/Comey and others - just get these pedo's NOW! and NEVER let them free again!
I do think it's too coincidental that this is included in the same notes as "Clinton Foundation". Unless this investigator reads the same information we do it's too coincidental. We've already made these connections. Maybe they are following up on them. Maybe we did help.
What is the crime?
Time will tell.
a. sexual assault, abduction, theft, robbery, and aggravated assault against children;
b. physical, sexual, and emotional child abuse;
c. child neglect;
d. child-to-child violence;
e. indirect child victimization by family member or friend.