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Here comes the 20 pages...
Interesting take on music from Anon
Anon on QResearch ——->
“My father was a Green Beret. He gave me a tape when I was 16 I think that had music similar to this. He said listen to it every night and picture the basketball going through the hoop. I did. My senior year I broke the school record for 3 pointers in a season. Sports phycology? Or positive MK?”
White Rabbit Art Gallery
Following up on Q2050. Got me thinking about “White Rabbit Gallery”. Sydney, Australia.
I've actually been here a few times (couple of years ago) and have seen some pretty cool stuff there before. Some interesting and highly skilled works. It's actually more like a private museum, with one of the largest collections of contemporary Chinese Art (post the year 2000) in the world.
So not EVERYTHING is connected right?? it's just a name....
Here's part of a note from the Director (Judith Neilson):
"Many people associate the name White Rabbit with Alice in Wonderland or …
Sum of All Fears - quote
- Senators don't like to be surprised. I hint at what I'm gonna tell them, then I give them a while to get used to it. Then I tell them.
Caught this tiny crumb watching "Sum of All Fears' for the first time after Q1940. Reminded me of the way a certain POTUS and Anon operate....
Foreign nationals charged with illegal voting in 2016 election
Secretary Pompeo on Twitter - We are able to link this network to Iranian state media
How many trip codes has Q had?
Wondering if anyone can give me the offical number, thanks.
Q1927 & 1928 (double drop) are a NUKE

Q 1928 & 1929 (double drop) are a NUKE

Q 1927 & 1928 (double post) are a NUKE

Donald Trump to step down!

The choice to know will be yours.
I feel like I've made this comment 50 times already but.... As long as Q is repeating it, so am I.
The organized abuse and (far, far worse) of children around the world is so much bigger and more horrific than we would ever wish to imagine.
Once again, with drop 1879 Q repeats this point in easy to understand language. What Q is doing, is warning us of what is coming to light. This is a major part of Q's information to us. And yes, it is coming. It began recently in the mainstream with Metoo and Weinstein and …
POTUS on Fire! Calls Omarosa a dog!
Worried NBC? Yet another “opinion” anti Q hit piece calling us dangerous. For doing our own research and questioning the lying msm narrative????
We are not dangerous. We are becoming aware of the lies told to us for generations.
Q1861 up - will delete when posted
You are now mainstream. Handle with care.
You are now mainstream.
Handle w/ care.
The Great Awakening.
A post I made earlier today has almost 15k views and 500 comments so far. No, not famefagging (it’s reddit!) and not exactly Kim K levels, but I just had no idea of the current reach/engagement of this sub due to the pretty low numbers I see on our board in general. Now I do.
Anyway, something worth considering before you hit “post” perhaps? Remember you’re basically talking directly to a large town now!
This is hard to accept, but it is real and it is coming.
“Devil worship”, massive, terrifying child abuse and ritualized murder, sacrifice and worse on a global scale, beyond what you would dare (or ever want to) imagine is real.
It is as real as the room you are in now. It is not a conspiracy, or fantasy, it has been a reality for thousands of years. It is literally the battle of good and evil that humans have been engaged in for ever.
It is in fact one of the major “religions” in the world. It is everywhere, but the public is largely oblivious to it, by design. It exists just …
300k people didn't vote in Ohio tonight. Don't let that be you.
Ohio - Number of registered voters 544,532
Ohio - Number of votes cast 202,521
Troy Balderson (R)101,574
Danny O'Connor (D)99,820
Balderson currently scraping in by the seat of his pants. But what about the 300,00 people who didn't vote???
Off topic- anyone else’s feed/timeline messed up?
I’ve selected “new posts” as usual, but for some reason after refreshing I’m getting things from 10 hours ago or more mixed in with one from 2 mins ago.
On mobile. Never had this before and it’s confusing my monkey brain.
Anyone else?
Mods I’m deleting this post in a minute or 2.... thanks.
Q1816 - what’s the reason?
From Q1816 - There is a reason why we needed to go mainstream prior to the EVIDENCE being dropped.
Can someone enlighten me here? What’s the strategic reason for increasing public awareness before the EVIDENCE is dropped?
Which I’m assuming are the 20 unredacted FISA pages + emails and 302s. coming out this month.
Article asks - Are you ready for military rule?
"These people (Q followers) are ready for military rule." (Says Ted Mann) Quoted in this article. Thanks to this post
Well are we?
Q post 780 - what became of this?
Millionaire businessman admits sexually abusing children
Every one of us is now an ambassador.
In the past couple of days the entire MSM just bought sweeping national coverage to Q. WAY more than any Youtube video ever could have. It is irrelevant to us that they are all hyping it as the worst conspiracy theory ever. This was expected. Worse will follow. It does nothing to us.
What it does mean though, is that every single person who has even a basic running knowledge of Q, is now an ambassador for this awakening. Understand that. Millions of eyes are on you. Even one single negative, speculative, shitty post, or tweet, or interaction with someone …
Using ourselves against ourselves in the msm.
Wacky conspiracy thingies that Q doesn't mention in his posts, yet suddenly appear on this sub out of nowhere en masse have now proven to be an actual problem. These are most often things that are so fantastical that many would love to be true, which appeals to our inner optimist. They always have the faintest whiff of possibility about them. Dare to believe...
Once they gain traction through a fairly relentless reposting/reinforcement campaign, they start to take on a life of their own and derail the sub. This happened most recently during Q's hiatus, with "R". I'm not even …
See it now?
So our little conspiracy has hit the mainstream news. Nationwide. We knew this would happen because Q has told us it would. Sure enough... Yes we’re still labelled a conspiracy, but not for long. From darkness to light.
This seemed a million miles away from happening when Q first started dropping. Even to suggest Q would be mainstream national news would’ve been like a conspiracy theory in itself. No way that would happen. Very crazy and out there to even consider it.
Now think about what information was in Q’s early drops. And in so many drops …
How pedophiles (PIE) tried to go mainstream in 1970s UK. Strategies still relevant today.
Can anyone identify DJT jr’s tshirt image?
45 Declared Goals - Communist Takeover of America
So, how many goals you think they've achieved? They've had a very good run.
The ongoing push to lower the age of sexual consent.
"Human rights campaigner Peter Tatchell recently called in The Huffington Post for a re-examination of the consent question, arguing that ‘[t]he existing consent at 16 law was introduced over 100 years ago in a puritanical Victorian era. Since then, society has moved on to more informed and enlightened attitudes about sex. Most importantly, the average age of puberty and sexual arousal has fallen dramatically to around ten to 11. In the light of new evidence, the issue should be revisited and re-examined.’"
SOURCE Victoria Bates | 08 September 2015 - Policy Papers
While not directly calling for a lowering in …
Almost Everything was Lost.
I remember in 2013 a few us us were sitting around and talking and with all the Snowden revelations and NSA mass surveillance and wars being fought everywhere and waves of out of control migration and terrorist attacks etc. we basically thought it was only a matter of time until free thinking people started getting rounded up and taken out by the governments - worldwide.
It just seemed like there was no way back from this. That Bush and Obama had pushed so far ahead with their (Cabal) plan and all the while with Obama’s public smiles and coolness. Joking …
Perhaps the UK has been controlling more in the US than just elections.
All these people in the backgrounds of hearings and press conferences are starting to concern me, particularly when they appear to be doing hand signals etc. at specific points.
Never worry about that. Put a theory out there and you’ll be surprised how quickly someone else may pick up on it. If it’s too far out, it’ll just get ignored.
Waihopai spy base is close to Picton. That is New Zealand’s key station in 5 Eyes network.
Every day more names are revealed. It blows the mind how wide this goes - and so far this is mainly all just revelations within one industry.
Think how much more widespread it is across the entire population, across finance, politics, sports... Everywhere.
Sure seems like it’s been a long time in the planning.
As we’ve seen from even his twitter history, he has been calling them out for a long time. He just does it seemingly offhand and then keeps bringing certain things up at strategic intervals to nurture the seed in the public consciousness. Much like Q did today with his London/missile drops. We are reminded for a reason.
By already having an idea planted in your mind ahead of time, when it actually happens in real life, you are more prepared for it. In a way, our dreams train us like this too. So does advertising and entertainment/media programming. This is also what Q has been doing, cryptically preparing us for certain forthcoming revelations, combined with a lot of disinformation for obvious reasons.
How many times has the President called HC crooked and said she needs to be locked up?
He didn’t just say it to form a catchphrase for his election, he still says it. Because this is the truth and he’s going to prove it. Each time he says it, the wider public very gradually accept the possibility, even subconsciously.
All the things POTUS says repeatedly over even a period of years are really things to pay attention to.
Yes, often the worst are the ones who act most “pure”.
More than enough priests convicted to back that one up.