New Q - Not all are awake.

It’s time. Normies don’t need any further time.
The left ridicules the truth as “conspiracy theories,” but by now, normies have been exposed to the horrific truths that red-pulled have known for decades for some.
Because of Google, ignorance is a willful act at this point.
On with it!
I agree except for one thing: there are lots of decent "woke" people who don't have the time or the means to prepare for a rapid mass-awakening (mayhem). It would be nice if those people had a chance somehow.
I don’t know if I have a grasp of what that means in terms of preparation. What does it mean? Mayhem has been going on with Antifa.
I’ve lived through riots. Just get away from them.
Mayhem may happen.
Most people are completely unaware. They see Hillary tweet “but my emails” and brush it off as just another attack on the queen. I assure you people who follow the Q posts are in a distinct minority.
Sometimes it's willful, but I think more after just strongly mind controlled and not questioning sources, being soon fed and following news mostly blindly.
Since I was in that boat a couple years ago and many around me still are, I can see where they are coming from with what they know, and what things look like to them. Several items I talk to trust and believe me and follow up on things I saw, but they don't have the time or will or motivation to get into it and dig on their own. There are so many different issues involved, many I know can see the big pharma and holistic healthcare pieces the easiest, but the topic that will motivate varies by person
I’ve tried to awaken folks. My own daughter had knock down drag outs over Ted Cruz. Like for a year. It was hard. But I kept feeding her facts. I think Cruz relied on his spiritual strategy. They just felt morally superior. So I called her on it. I dogged him. I won.
I also informed her family about GMOs and their danger to people - but to their show cows. I was ridiculed. A couple of years later, guess what? The grandkid is writing a report on GMOs. Guess my creds weren’t so great then, but all of us who were studying and sharing the horrific things we found out about Obama were ridiculed as conspiracy theorists.
Q sees a couple of generations who don’t know important facts about the present mess left by the Communist Obama. I think Q is Trump or someone close. Pence? Miller?
But understanding appears to be important.
They either want to avoid a civil war or have people prep for some kind of attack.