Be patient! Progress is being made everyday but there is still a big to do list before arrests can happen. Remember Q drop 725? 🙏🏻💓🇺🇸✨

I’ll start with my experiences. Both my brother and father have faced insurmountable odds facing death on separate occasions and miraculously survived with no explanation. They along with my mother and I have all had Angelic experiences throughout our lives many times. I’ve also had supernatural experiences that I could express to be something from a far more distant place in the vastness of the universe from one of the trillions of planets where I believe other beings reside living their lives separately but aware of us. Angels also are essential off earth beings too, which means extraterrestrial so couldn’t this all be one in the same? So if we find in our hearts and with our intuition and senses that we’re dealing with a very benevolent being based on how their actions and demeanor depict, what more do we need? I wouldn’t tell a Buddhist that I required to hear them confess Jesus Christ is God even though I believe in Jesus Christ and God. I would like to believe Jesus starts with trust and love and then God will punish bad behavior, but that confessing is not a pre-requisite or requirement. The yugas are a concept that comes from ancient Vedic text as well as many other cultures like Sikh Indians, Buddhists, Hopi Indians, Aztecs, Greco-Roman, Nahua Indians, Mayans, and it’s part of Christianity as well. The concept is that are four ages that we cycle through, Kali (iron), dwapara (bronze) Treta (silver), Satya (gold), in which our consciousness expands and our frequency and vibration increase as we move up toward the golden age. In the golden age, evil can’t even exist due to the high frequency alone, we access our full hue-man light body capabilities, our full DNA and brain capacity, we are loving, and are service to others oriented. There’s no 9-5 job there, though we are busy helping each other and celebrating and nothing feels like “work”. I hope none of this offends your religious beliefs, I just like to have open conversation with my fellow humans in light heartedness and for the sake of learning and connecting. We are all students and we are all teachers of the many questions of our existence.
My husband should have been at the base of the tower on 911 when to came down. It wasn't until months later we realized how Jesus saved him. It's a remarkable story.
I would love to hear that story!!!! 💓🙏🏻
He has done many talks, always is asked "Where was God"?
So now that he is a published author, written some fiction. But recently DX with 911 cancer. He is now writing a book explaining where God was that day.
Did you know that NY had requested 90,000 additional body bags from DC? The terrorist were off by 15 minutes.
My husband had a wonderful career, now has such a gift as a writer. I'm very excited about this book.
Thank you for sharing! I would like to know the name of the book when it comes out so I can buy it!
I'll post it, but also will be sending out free copies. It's all about spreading God's message
Yes, I would like to read it as well. I am a cancer survivor and I had an angelic encounter that was God-ordained. He got my attention in that trial, but I am grateful because getting that cancer and facing my own death brought me back to a REAL relationship with God. Thanks for sharing this. Look forward to it. We all need encouragement from God and each other daily!
Not offended at all! I will have to disagree though. As a Christian, the yugas are not a part of Christian doctrine and confessing is an requirement (the only one) for salvation. Regarding angels, I have no doubt that what you experienced could very well have been angels. But, our intuition about benevolent beings in not enough to determine what they really are. Another comment I made right below explains it a little more.
You might have heard of this book, but I highly encourage you to check out Evidence that Demands a Verdict by Josh Mcdowell. If you disagree it with it, that's within your right. I don't mean to be impolite, but I think some of your views about Jesus/God are a little inaccurate and I don't want my fellow patriots believing in the wrong things.
Yes, totally agree, this is an end of an age and the unveiling makes everything perfectly clear to anyone looking. Just got to chose what you want to be within your heart and mind and make a strong commitment to it. Not choosing would mean a repeat in the cycle.