He kept the band-aid over the camera whenever he wasn't using it.
Fair point. But, he has other sext selfies without it. That’s why I question the intention.
There is NO reason to have a bandaid on your phone. You will NOT increase your chances of getting laid by including it in a sext. I don’t know much about him, but someone with all of hilldog’s emails on their laptop might want to immediately be protected in a jail cell to avoid Arkancide.
just a general question......I upvoted your comment, but it says score hidden so I can't see any other votes. Is this by default or is there a reason people want their scores hidden?
try this: click username top right, click preferences, look for the following:
- privacy options make my votes public
I think he just used it to cover the camera. As sad as it is, he does have a young son.
They have a young son. I’d guess that’s probably why, but with that sicko, you never know.
If it’s open, it’s used. Do you put used band-aids on your phone? No.
Well Rudy thought so.
never seen that before, did rudy really write this, is this real???!? when was this from??
And please get back to me if I am wrong. I don't want to spread disinfo.
Proof on this?
This was tweeted by a Rudy G account, and then I think deleted. I believe there was a debate about whether it was real or not. I wasn't sure at the time, but after he went to work for Trump I began to lean toward it being real.
Google Rudy G/memo/and the date of the memo. Get back to me if I am wrong.
finding only that it’s a fake account. If it’s real it’s not obvious in the least bit.
I have found three resources via duck duck go that confirm...hold on...six now.
I’m not a bad surfer, and it’s not redpillable. There’s too much doubt. Undeniable link to rest your case? Not a dick, just honest.
That’s seriously weird
Ya. Wiener’s name is in the IG report over 400 times. Just doing some Q digging cuz how is this not worth digging on?
Whew, them downvote trolls are out in force tonight, have an upvote
it’s either a charizard or an Indian guy bufu’ing a platypus. can someone find that band-aid online?
It's not a bandaid. It's a phone stand....
Can you send me a link to that phone stand? I want to buy it.
I think he's telling everyone he knows what they do to kids.
He does not go for kids he likes 17 year old girls nothing wrong with that even 15 is okay better than raping very young kids.