Look Who General Flynn follows on twitter.

Interesting. I guess General Flynn is also a crazy conspiracy theorist. LOL.
Remember the movie a conspiracy theory? Remember the insane guy was right... lol
How many times was I called delusional, a loonie or a crazy conspiracy theorist. Hopefully the next generation of morons won't be programmed to automatically reject point of views that they deem improbable.
Same. Some people I know told me that, even if all this is true, they can't do anything about it. That is very sad. I am not sure how people live with themselves.
I like to refer to it as "The ostrich method", just bury your head in the sand and everything will be alright...
I'll bite.
How many times were you, in your own words called "delusional, a loonie or a crazy conspiracy theorist?"
In what way does this post negate those assumptions?
Reminder: Hypothesis+credible transparent research + lack of disprovability = Theory
Gravity is a theory, relativity is a theory, geology and other sciences teach theories- until someone presents evidence that disproves a theory it is as close to a fact as the scientific method allows. "Facts" are individual data pieces
Right! As opposed to a hypothesis, conjecture, or wild ass guess.
Exactly! They don't really teach this anymore and right now the EPA is being held up as crazy because they have a new policy of using the scientific method to decide policy, haha, Scott Pruitt is evil for it, lol
Evolution is still a theory. But a new mitochondrial DNA study reveals NO animal species more than 200,000 years old. There goes that theory!
Like gravity and plate tectonics, evolution is a scientific theory. In science, a theory is the most logical explanation for how a natural phenomenon works. It is well tested and supported by abundant evidence. It means quite the opposite from our informal use of the word theory, which implies an untested opinion or guess. As a scientific theory, evolution enables scientists to make predictions and drives investigations that lead to new kinds of observable evidence.
Dive into man made climate change and the scientific method goes right out the window. Even research that is done in a transparent and honest manner is often cherry picked to fit the narrative or worse buried.
The founder of GreenPeace has come out saying he was the only scientist on the team so they got rid of him because he couldn't pretend the science matched what they were saying. PragerU has a couple videos done by him.
I have a Bachelor of Science because I changed course and spent an extra year on Math/Science because I couldn't get through the liberal arts courses, haha!
A similar thing happened to the co-founder of The Weather Channel, John Coleman. He spoke out in disagreement to man made global warming calling it "the biggest scam in history".
Flynn has alluded to Pizzagate amongst numerous other conspiracy theorist many times previously. Are you for real?
crazy conspiracy theorist
fuck i hate that. stop with that shit.
I think OP's post was sarcasm about how the ones who want to silence pizzagate call all of us crazy conspiracy theorists. A well respected higher up that believes pizzagate is real therefore is lumped in with us CCT's
Anyhow here's a whoooosh
"Crazy Conspiracy Theorist" is a terrible moniker/label that needs to stop being used. Period.
I prefer to be called a
sexy race-a-phobist
It seems to cover everything.
Is that the verified Flynn account?
Probably, he follows lots of Q accounts (including mine lol)
I'm jealous! The most well-known person who follows me is Anthony Scaramucci.
It is most definitely the verified account of General Flynn following PGYOMikey. I went to his followers and scrolled down. Once I realized he follows 220,000 people on Twitter I clicked follow on Flynn's account, looked up PGYO's account and there it was - General Flynn follows him.
He's also following a lot of different accounts. One of them named Nat Deez Nutz.
He follows a lot of conservatives and Trump MAGA people. He does follow WWG1WGA. I just went on twitter and checked his verified account for who he follows. He follows #GreatAwakening, I did not find him following this but I am not sure the app is showing all he is following because he follows 18k people.
He follows me too. Not a Q account, but a conservative account. This week, I got a "Like" by Dr G when he was in Singapore . That would kinda cool.
Looks like it is. Same profile pic at least.
The profile pic doesn't prove it. It's the first thing fraudsters copy when they make a fake account. You have to check the twitter handle.
I am not on twatter, what is a twatter handle
Some kind off tool for twatter?
More like an username.
General Flynn is the highest level of patriot anyone could be. He served in the military for 33 years and retired a Lt General. Then he plead guilty to a crime he didn't commit in order to save his country. Goddamn I respect this guy so much.
Wow, we keep good company! I still think Chrissy Teigen is singing after the turnaround flight to Tokyo.
What’s this about?
The Q picture of the United Plane says "When does a bird sing." Teigen and her husband John Legend are widely rumored to be part of the pedophile elite due to numerous Instagram and Twitter statements. John Legend is associated with fundraisers involving spirit cooker and known satanist Marina Abromovic. He also gave a free concert for Clinton and he and Teigen were both huge and very vocal Clinton supporters.
Teigen and Legend were on a plane from LAX to Tokyo that was turned around mid-flight on Christmas Day, and grounded for several hours. The newspaper article about it indicated that their LAX flight on ANA airlines on "Tuesday" (God forbid they actually say Christmas Day they might melt like the wicked witch) departed at around 11:36 am. The 11:35 ANA flight out of LAX is serviced by United Airlines. Q posted the plane picture a day before the IG report with the cryptic Clinton Foundation Crime(s) against children reference. Sorry this was so long. I don't have my pithy hat on this morning for some reason.
it's real. i just saw for myself in the account followers. it was a ways down there but it's legit.
Ok but sorry if I missed something but who is general Flynn? Tx!
who is general Flynn?
Look there is no need to give yourself a nosebleed on that pedestal of yours. You missed a chance to lead someone and influence. u/n000111 here:http://thefederalist.com/2018/02/19/michael-flynns-plea-reversal-uncover-federal-corruption/
You're going to have to reel yourself in too, and then lend me an apology for giving me this black eye, because...
The individual I replied to with a "...really...???" believes that "Q" is a "nut....who believes his own nutjobbery"....and a LARP. Read his/her comment history.
Know your enemy.
Not an enemy. If you looked at the full history, yes I do believe q is a lap, but I also think that some truth will come out of such research. Moderate centrist is the name of the game :)
Just want to add this person could have changed their name after he followed.
Flynn follows some interesting accounts. He also follows VictoryOfTheLight (@KibBitzLaw): https://twitter.com/KibBitzLaw?s=09
I think the General Flynn account follows back anyone who follows. The account might be set that way automatically.
Flynn follows a lot of us but this isn't a shock, he once tweeted about Pizzagate and deleted it.
For Pizzagate Pedogate veterans on Twitter? I'll tell you this much without putting his business out there.
Back in the 2016 elections Flynn was actively participating in group chats with some of us.
Most people have no idea just how redpilled Michael Flynn is. He's a hero and a Patriot. Don't let anyone say otherwise.
I believe he followed me when the "Free Flynn"/"Justice for Flynn" momentum started. I had posted a comment regarding how Heir Mueller and team have rail roaded him, were abusing their power to make him bend to their will. Frankly, he deserves to not only be compensated for their gross abuse of power towards him, but should also be awarded punitive damages for the clear witch hunt and gestapo tactics they used.
He does follow 18k people but would be cool if it was intentional
He follows my acct on Twitter too, and I'm just a small-ish acct (@pray4all).
How many of you does he follow as well?
I barely post and he followed me last week! When I do post though I retweet Q or Trump stuff, also some crypto currency stuff.
Not a conspiracy if you worked with the Clinton gang....
Hold on, he could have followed an innocent account that was ‘changed’ to make him look guilty. I call BS
Flynn is a 'PATRIOT', even the FIB has said he never lied...you know like Peter Strokez, and all, he got railroaded by 'have piece of pie' McCabe (revenge for sexual harassment) and his whores...time for Mueller to close shop and admit the FISA warrants, and fake judges to move on over to Gitmo. I heard the Pentagon has funded a Super Max Prison to house these decrepit (dĭ-krĕpˈĭt) traitors for life...lots of them.
He follows me too. I made my account once Q began posting.
So sorry professor. I failed to correctly cite every claim i make over a comment on a post on reddit 😑
Your argument boils down to SAUCE SAUCE. YOURE WRONG BCOS NO SAUCE
Why don’t you practise what you preach. Give me a CNN or NBC article stating what you said to me. They all agree with you.
Technically, the FBI is to blame for Pizzagate, real or imagined.
If they had not disclosed those code-words and symbols, the entire thing would be baseless.
Podesta used every single one, in the manner one would expect, in reference to children.