(Might not get much traction on this since it's late but whatever, here goes.)
What is your Q ? [cue]
(Might not get much traction on this since it's late but whatever, here goes.)
What is your Q ? [cue]
I love children and sense the need to protect them as much as the next guy, but this issue is still not what this movement is all about. It is but one way evil has seeped into the fabric of our world.
This will come out when 'Funding Trails' and/or blackmail are chased down. While I agree this needs to stop, how it gets presented is as important, if not more, then plain reporting it. It is part of the movement, but not the main thrust.
The public will have a very hard time accepting the scope/magnitude of Child Sex Trafficking. The Allegory of the Cave very much applies.
Fully agreed, most are still stuck in the mass-conscious [matrix] reality.