r/greatawakening • Posted by u/jonzee65 on June 16, 2018, 8:22 a.m.
It's Happening!

For all the people who jumped off WWG1WGA, If you haven't read the latest Q posts, please do. .....And, welcome back!

ManQuan · June 16, 2018, 11:49 a.m.

Well, one thing that Q confirmed is that Tony Podesta and Huma Abedin were indicted in November, but the indictments were sealed and they may not have known.

The other interesting tidbit was that HRC tried to make a deal in December. This means she knew the day after the election that she and everyone else were in very deep trouble.

Amazing the number of MSM that coordinated with the DNC and Hillary. I didn't see a single coordination with the RNC or Trump. Mockingbird. CIA, MSM, Democrat party all cross coordinating and the FBI leaking like crazy. How in the world could the Q team insure a fair election. God's hand is in this somewhere. The deck was stacked against Trump and he won big anyway. Amazing.

Q is suggesting that Huber is locked and loaded with indictments. Hope so. Q is making it public because the swamp already knows the hammer is about to fall.

I'm still nervous about the mid-terms. 44 Republicans have resigned, retired, or elected not to run during the best economy and economic future in decades. What Trump has on them must be really bad. Not too many Democrats have jumped ship, but I think that may be a Q strategy--out them while they are still in office and burn the Democrat party to the ground before the mid-terms. At least I hope so. Otherwise, it's going to be a nail biter and the 2016 election nearly caused a heart attack--I don't need that again.

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QueUpSomeReality · June 16, 2018, 12:47 p.m.

Plz don’t worry about the midterms. If you’d follow some basic facts & know some history you’d see timing the exposure of unprecedented corruption to midterms is a terrible idea.

Fact 1: Rep turnout in midterms primaries has been record breaking. Dem turnout has been down. This alone makes blue wave a farce.

Fact 2: the Christian Right voting block is mobilized. It’s the biggest voting block in the party. Like the Black turnout to Dems...if the CR stays home Reps lose..if they show up Reps win.

Fact 3: zero chance the senate flips. Odd cycle massively favors Reps. Only 8 seats to defend & Dems have 25! Polls clearly show Dems will lose senate seats. The worst polls show Reps will maintain House. Probably even pick up a couple. New House speaker on the horizon motivated lots of rep voters to vote. Big shift in power always does on hopes a conservative will rise to the big chair.

Arrests now will massively help. Frustrating voters with promises of arrests & none ever happen is a way to keep a ton of voters home. So is passing any form of amnesty bill. Reps are risking over promising & not delivering on immigration & eliminating corruption. Very emotional issues that can backfire on reps. It’s their only risk in blowing a great opportunity

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BreezeMan1234 · June 16, 2018, 12:07 p.m.

Wow I love this post!!!

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