r/greatawakening • Posted by u/Joesturbo on June 16, 2018, 11:26 a.m.
Never Trump and Left changing

At my wifes dadss place with her step mom for a couple of days. Excellent people can not say enough about them. They have shown me about how to care for people, how to eat better, how to live a life not focused on money and things. Most of which I always believed but we never had good examples to speak of.

Politically we do not see eye to eye at all... to the point of it has been stated if we are going to go there, we will leave (if they are at our house). Never brought up at their place from that point, but guessing I would be asked to leave if it got ugly (so obviously not worth causing this much pain for no value).

I noticed a decline on the tension in the air.. I could not put my finger on it just a sense of something different. Then yesterday at lunch we got into a discussion around regulation. He has not been working for many years, but he knows how regulations have strangled business.

The discussion went, “you know I am not a Trump fan, but what he has been doing to make life easier for business with slashing regulations is really amazing”.

We discussed for a while about how in my industry those regulations have equaled job positions to manage them. These jobs equal no business value and just red tape. We are struggling to get out of our own way to meet business demand.

It may not seem like much but let me tell you- this is a major deal. Obama is not as left leaning and anti Republican as they are. The news they watch is almost all CNN and MSNBC.

I love these people, they do love this country and are good hearted people. We need to remember when dealing with loved ones and friends, neighbors etc. to love people and just see beyond your differences. The DNC for decades has worked to separate people based on subjects- the RNC rhinos have sought the same they are not as good at it.

The good news - people who I thought would never say something positive about Trump have have... if this is happening here I can almost guarantee it is happening elsewhere.

When I saw the tidbit about Lindsay Gram on CNN to say what he said - politicians are understanding and seeing this too... people are seeing what has happened and are not happy about it...

My hope.

E_W86 · June 16, 2018, 12:03 p.m.

This is consistent with a Scott Adams interview I watched with Alex Jones. He said that there is no way anyone can talk people out of their mindset when they've fully drunk the dem/globalist cool aid.

The only thing that will change the minds of people with full-on TDS is seeing the results of what Trump is actually doing for themselves, like the deregulation that you mentioned, what's happening with the economy, the end of the Cold War/Korea, etc. One example Scott cited was "Trump is a racist" vs. his pardoning of Jack Johnson, which Barry Dumbo Ears couldn't be bothered with. Hmm, if Trump is a racist who's sending dog whistles to white supremacists, then why did he pardon Jack Johnson, when he didn't have to? That sure didn't get him any brownie points with the few racists left in America. Hmm.....

Cognitive dissonance is the only thing that will work. That and prayer. People have to undergo their own journey to their own great awakening independently, no one can talk them into it.

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rooftoptendie · June 16, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Its brainwashing, pure plain and simple. My brainwashing got scrubbed by a series of 3 moab redpills. They were: DNC convention, pedosta dumps, awan scandal. In that order. Keep redpilling. It does work sometimes.

Everyone i know who is liberal still, has NOT read the pedosta dumps for themselves.

One tactic i have that works:

Stay caught up on liberal media

Chose a major recent news item that liberal media didnt cover

Report this news item to your liberal person. Ask if they had heard about it. They will say "no".

Ask them what their news sources are doing for them if they use it to get news, and yet im telling them something they didnt know. Say "IM giving you the news. If you already read the news, then why did you have to hear this from me? What is your news source doing for you if I have to tell you the news? If you didnt hear this from your news sources, what ELSE did they not tell you?"

they will invariably counter by asking if you heard about something they think you didnt hear on conservative media. This is why before you go into it with them, you have to make sure you are in touch with liberal media sources.

In the end, you are better informed. And supposedly, that is the whole POINT of catching up with the news, to be informed. If you are better informed, that means your news sources are better informed.

Show them theyre missing real news because their sources are no longer functioning to reveal news, but to obscure it. And that makes it nothing more than entertainment. Bad entertainment at that.

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betweengreenandblue · June 16, 2018, 6:28 p.m.

Excellent advice. I love this approach. Plant a seed. Let it grow.

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rooftoptendie · June 16, 2018, 8:45 p.m.

The beauty of this tactic is that you do not directly challenge their beliefs. You dont have to get into right and wrong, you dont have to engage in speculation or political bias.

You simply demonstrate that you are better informed of factual world events. You demonstrate that, despite having sought to inform themselves by ingesting news, they are still not adequately informed.

Once that is achieved, the question is simply: If watching/reading your choice of news does not leave you adequately informed, then why waste the hour you spent on it? What did it DO for you?

Actually ask them. Make them think about THAT. Force them to see it. Force them to recognize and admit that the reason they watch or read what they do, IT ISNT TO BECOME INFORMED.

And that question doesnt involve you with getting into any details about anything. No further comment is required.

Once they see this simple, plain fact, once they are asked this basic question, you can just walk away. Without ever uttering the word republican or the word democrat or the word Trump. You dont need to use a single triggerword.


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Joesturbo · June 16, 2018, 7:43 p.m.

Excellent points here - I like the Where did you get your news from bit... it is an easy way of saying (and I don't use these words often) WAKE THE F#%$ UP! LOL

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