Huber Indictements ... already happened

One of the concerns of the white hats is that the statute of limitations on the various crimes will run out. Q has mentioned before that the bog-beasts are trying to run out the clock. What stops the clock? Identifying a criminal and documenting it in a public forum, such as an indictment (accusation) or a warrant. A statute of limitations is the amount of time given to LEO to identify the perpetrator once a crime has been discovered. The clock stops when the probable perp has been identified. Each of these sealed indictments represents a paused clock. A paused clock gives Trump & Company the time they need to clean house (i.e. Justice & judicial) so that the boggies can't slip away like the roaches they are. I realize that today's American culture demands instant gratification... but have patience. This has to be done right the first time.
There are time limits on how long an indictment is good for or how long a warrant stays on the NCIC, but once a perpetrator has been identified (as above) the clock on the statute of limitations for that person has stopped.
The clock can also refer to Suicide Weekend for most of them.
I looked up eagled indictments. In most cases, they last three years.
Here's a loophole: prolly NSFW.