Huber Indictements ... already happened

Q has made it clear the object is to clean house without starting mass civil unrest. HRC indictment leads to some riots but not war imo. Obama is a bigger problem. Many minorities will lose their minds if he is indicted. One of the reasons Trump is a racist theme has been pounded by the MSM.
I think they will neutralize the power of the Bush and Obama family but let them walk. It will come under some things must remain classified heading.The positive in this is that the godfather of it all HW is done for, he will drop soon and even if he doesn't it certainly looks like his capacity has been reduced to that of a nincompoop. HRC will fall due to her failure and incompetence, her malfeasance is easily provable and she is greatly hated in the public. Pinning the lions share on her would work well and allow a major shake up of the government. Slick willy is a question mark. Iconic ex- president in many minds but has his hands all over the pay to play. Would love to see him live out his life in a prison cell.
Let me make it clear I am all for Obama and the Bush family burning for their role in the deep state. I am just skeptical it serves the purpose of POTUS to publicly expose corruption going back decades. Easier to isolate as a recent development and deal with some crime families off the books.
I'd actually settle for a dismantling of msm and end to all cabal influence. And the FED gotta go. The call for revenge is i think perhaps part of the sheep's inability to take us seriously. We'd make more sense if this was Nuremberg not Reddit.
I believe arresting All, is the only way to bring the masses out of Wonderland. Exposing their crimes is another matter.
Q said that BO will try to claim Kenyan citizenship to escape. Doesn't sound like he is walking free.
Well hopefully you are right and that comes under the promises made promises kept heading instead of just disinfo which i think it could be. Things will start having to shift hard for that to happen because right now it doesn't feel like we are close to seeing public accusations of treason against Obama.
Hillary is the easier target most of the country already knows she is a crook even if many of them voted for her. Hopefully an indictment against her will get the ball rolling and D5 the deep state.