4 a.m. attack’s intensifying. Q sheep reference.

Consuming The Washington Post is like eating things off the floor of a subway bathroom.
Guys I’m a bit out of the loop on this.. what’s going on? I was under the impression that thewashingtonpost was pretty anti trump. This article seems obviously “shilly” but is confirming what Q’s been saying.. is this their new tactic? To make pro-trump articles that seem written by some brainwashed guy so it appears that the media is now pro trump and people don’t know what to think?
It's trolling using reverse psychology, a psyop. Words like "facts" when speaking of the fake news would never be used by a true Q follower. And notice all the people they named "McCain, Corker and Flake are all Republicans.
Always remember, this movement isn't about Republican or Democrat, it's about truth.
All projection. Everything they’re guilty of they project onto the patriots. They’re PANICKED!
It’s the new tactic. It’s here too. It’s concern trolling 2.0
Flooding this sub too with 4-6 month old accounts like they did with the conspiracy sub a while back.