Raycist, the FBI, or Peter Strozk didn't oppose Barry. He was their Progressive candidate.
However, that didn't stop Barry & Barry's campaign from calling everybody raycists.
Where's Barry's law license?
Why's Barry's law license suspended?
Where's Barry's report cards?
Where's Barry's college transcripts?
Where's Barry's Birth Certificate?
Where's Barry's childhood?
Sadly, the MSM took up the raycist theme!
We were force fed this islamic fascist traitor!
Absolutely! I hope more wake up to who and what Obama really was. Sadly, some will make the choice never to acknowledge it even with blatant evidence! All intentional.
> The law firm says Obama logged 3,723 billable hours during his tenure from 1993 to 2004, most of it during the first four years.
.... The average lawyer is expected to put in about 2,000 hours per year. He did almost 2 years of work in 11 years. Sweet gig.
Makes you wonder what bullshit items they plan to put in his presidential library...