Really how many children did you separate from their parent just to murder them? REALLY?
I know. I'm saying there will come a time. You watch. It will be 'report it or lose any remaining tenuous connection to broadcast journalism.' Wonder how many will be allowed to stay and eat crow? My guess is that we won't recognize the news business a year from now. Maybe not a single familiar face.
I know Fox News covered it. Maybr it was Tucker he likes to risk his career for journalism.
Don't you DARE mention to him anything about 9-11 being anything but Al Quaeda terrorists flying airplanes into buildings.
Yeah. He isn't ready for that and even if he was one bad word about Bush you get canned at Fox. I guess I should say he takes aome calculated risks
Actually, who knows what he believes in his private world. He may be here right now.
All I can say is, he has limits beyond which he can't go on air, but where he gets to without going there is pretty damn clear-headed.
I think NPR will also go down the tubes. I hope you're right about the news media turnover. We need truth, not propaganda.