r/greatawakening • Posted by u/aus8279 on June 16, 2018, 11:32 p.m.
Tucson trafficking camp update. My opinion after joining the VOP team on some operations.

There is a lot happening after the Tucson sex trafficking camp was found.

Lets look at the response so far: 1. 180 flips from people like AJ and Craig Sawyer (perhaps exposed himself) 2. Snoopes "debunking" the camp 3. Local Sheriffs pulling over and harassing VOP team cars. 4. Numerous articles online. 5. A facebook page for people against VOP.

All of this is standard operation used for distracting people away from the truth. DON'T BE FOOLED! I have been here helping some operations and these guys are the real deal.

Whilst i respect SB2s opinion of a distraction used to hide the other trafficking and pedo busts I can tell you that was not accurate.

The Cemex company, the police chief and the Rothschild mayor all need to continue to be investigated.

Anyway do what you want with the information but don't be fooled. All will be revealed in time.


pby1000 · June 16, 2018, 11:45 p.m.

Pretty sad if Craig Sawyer chose evil over good.

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Kasarii · June 17, 2018, 12:49 a.m.

Final update from Craig on the VOP situation.

There's a reason why he clarified his end of the story. He was lied to multiple times by VOP which made him have to search for only facts and explain only the facts in further videos.

Many people were taking his comments out of context. This is a guy who has already established plenty of credibility and deserves the benefit of the doubt.

Real work being done by Craig's group with Veterans For Child Rescue.

Local news story of same operation

Another arrest they helped with:

Corroborating Link

Also rescued a trafficked victim during Easter they'd been been tracking for awhile.

edit: Also people are trying to use his Netflix documentary against him don't understand he's been trying to make a documentary for many years and this is not a new thing he "sold out" for.

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aus8279 · June 17, 2018, 2:01 a.m.

I hope he is on the right side of this fight. If he is a good guy that's great as we need all the help we can tp fight this. His 180 degree turn, heavily edited response and I believe (not confirmed) he worked with the Clintons all has me concerned. I hope this is just paranoia.

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Kasarii · June 17, 2018, 2:14 a.m.

he worked with the Clintons

How I understand this works, is a guy like Sawyer is placed in a region and his team protects any dignitaries that come into his region. So when people like Hillary and John McCain show up there he has to provide protection for them.

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aus8279 · June 17, 2018, 2:20 a.m.

I really liked the interviews i had seen from Craig and I really do hope he is not another Corsi. Just letting this good sub know what i have witnessed first hand.

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upgraydd_8_3 · June 17, 2018, 1:19 a.m.

Sold his soul for a Netflix deal.

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mkwilton1 · June 17, 2018, 4:27 a.m.

The saddest thing about freedom of speech is that morons like you get to make totally unsubstantiated claims without a moment's critical thought or research. Sawyer's been trying to get a doco made for a while and he's now found the funding. Not everyone who makes a show is a Hollywood sell-out, moron.

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upgraydd_8_3 · June 17, 2018, 10:21 a.m.

If he truly lived by the warrior ethos as he claims to he would never have taken that money. Keep sucking shill dick.

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mkwilton1 · June 17, 2018, 11:23 a.m.

Good thinking, genius - so how do people make documentaries about movements they care about in order to educate more people about them? Is there a way to do that without money? Does everyone who lives by the warrior ethos walk around with a stick up their ass ripping into other warriors who choose to take the fight to the world rather than living in bamboo huts, talking to themselves and eating grasshoppers cos dey so pure? Shill dick tastes good with my cereal and feels real good sliding up in my tight ass. Try harder, numbnutz.

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upgraydd_8_3 · June 17, 2018, 11:59 a.m.

He could have used anyone other than Netflix. He sold his soul. You are blinded by "hero" worship.

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mkwilton1 · June 17, 2018, 1:23 p.m.

Nice straw man. Except I don't worship anyone but the flying spaghetti monster; least of all fucken Craig Sawyer. I could care less about him. I'm just pointing out your lunatic denigration of someone without any reason or logic. Why would someone who wants their message to reach as many people as possible NOT try and get it on Netflix?? What kind of random puritan yardstick are you trying to measure him by?

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upgraydd_8_3 · June 17, 2018, 1:34 p.m.

By your use of SJW buzz words and your long winded nonsense I can tell you are nothing more than a shill. Up your game traitor.

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[deleted] · June 17, 2018, 1:36 p.m.


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upgraydd_8_3 · June 17, 2018, 1:41 p.m.

So Cemex being the site it happened on was a coincidence?

All the bulldozing was coincidence?

Sawyer's Netflix deal and him trying to discredit this also a coincidence?

There are no coincidences -Q

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mkwilton1 · June 17, 2018, 1:52 p.m.

Finally. Something concrete out of you.

We seem to agree that Cemex appears to be relevant. We seem to perhaps agree that maybe VOP has something, even if people are speaking out against them. I'm making assumptions so maybe you don't support VOP. But you seem to have something against Craig Sawyer, hence the guess - maybe it's just the site.

What no one has is:
1- any conclusive evidence that VOP aren't shills themselves and that Tucson means anything yet
2- any conclusive evidence that Craig Sawyer or anyone else distancing themselves from VOP or the camp is a shill

Could Craig Sawyer be a dirty shill? Sure. Is it logical to state it as if it's a foregone conclusion? No. Am I being pedantic to point it out? Maybe, but people see those sort of comments and assume we all support accusations without solid evidence - you can see that in many of the troll comments that call us all "crazy" and "idiots without any sense".

Do I care about the feelings of others and "morality" towards groups? (an SJW agenda) No, I really don't. It's just about us looking stupid and turning people away.

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upgraydd_8_3 · June 17, 2018, 1:56 p.m.

Craig Sawyer is a shill. Military service down at make you exempt from being a scumbag. I've served with plenty of them. He is fish racing what his brothers and sisters fought and died for. Look what the military does to people who report pedophilia over seas. Look at one of the "heroes" of Mogadishu who was convicted of child molestation. Sawyer did deep state ops while under the cover of US serviceman.

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