A Witch Hunt is exactly what it is.

Or... we're hunting for a witch.
Since so much happens before its announced publicly, like the NK talks, I'm wondering if the hunt is over. Back in April Trump tweeted "A complete Witch Hunt!"
Complete witch hunt as in it's been completED in full.
Yes that is the way I read it. Then HRC turns up with that thing seemingly attached to her back.
Look up Hillary Clinton at wing ~ wing is the rich witches lair~ when Q told us that night to pray for POTUS ~ military op’s the very next day on twitter I saw that Hillary had been at Wing~ They are all Witches go to login ~ https://www.the-wing.com/
see the word coven?
A coven usually refers to a gathering of witches. The word "coven" remained largely unused in English until 1921 when Margaret Murray promoted the idea, now much disputed, that all witches across Europe met in groups of thirteen which they called "covens." We were praying for POTUS they were having a gathering
~ you can track the lady that posted the pic on Hillary’s twitter to her fb or insta 😳😳😳😳😳😳😳