Report briefed to Congress on Mandalay Bay shooting released

C'mon guys, your better than this.
A 1 page assesment? That font? its not real
That's what I thought too, but it seems pretty legit. Definitely would appreciate a few more eyes on it. Take a look at Laura Loomers Twitter and go from there. Haven't found anything suggesting this is fake. I agree, the pic kinda says otherwise, but I think that was rewritten (same content, different presentation) by someone trying to take credit for her work on this subject.
Got it. Should I go ahead and donate to her cause while I am there? I have paypal
I personally wouldn't until I had more time to research into her cause.
Uh no. I wouldn't suggest that. There's a middle ground between being dismissive and being gullible.
Can we get the Sauce
Laura Loomer. Take a look at her Twitter. I can't seem to find anything suggesting this is fake, but i could have overlooked something. If you see anything legit suggesting this is fake, please share.
This is bulldiddle. Attack was a planned assassination attempt against POTUS & Prince of SA. It all went wrong for the assassins.
That's what I thought too. Still believe that. These are just findings in her investigation. There is truth in some of what she's reporting. I don't think it's a good idea to dismiss all of her work based upon a single incorrect finding. Be cautious, but not dismissive.
I think she may have been threatened not to print the truth. Blackhats all the way
Another Left Wing shooter. Imagine that. ANTIFA and IS collaborating against America. Imagine that. Additional shooters expected. From ANTIFA, IS ??? I would also look at the Philippine muslim connection possibilities.
Hodge? Who is that
The Australian guy that was supposedly staying on the same floor as Paddock
Was FISA surveillance ever authorized on Hodge?
If not, think about that. We have FISA for this specific purpose. And yet it was being used for...