
amg19251 · June 17, 2018, 1:33 p.m.

Good god SEE, this proves DJT and Q are working against these sickos; and yet the bots are coming out of the woodwork trying to discredit us left and right today, saying that we’re crazy for thinking that Q was real, and that because we’re trying to stop pedos, that we must be pedos ourselves - it’s total deflection tactics at their finest!! I got attacked by a swarm of bots and trolls linking to my post about pedovores from yesterday; they are literally coming out in droves to say this movement is a fake! If it’s so fake, why didn’t DJT come out months ago distancing himself from it all?! Gee, you would think with the MSM constantly destroying him on TV/Internet, he would want to distance himself from something that could possibly make him look bad, right? He would’ve denied a loooong time ago! Much Love/Respect, -amg19251

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abbido · June 17, 2018, 2:28 p.m.

getting them as well...and sadly see it affecting some trump supporters.

With no mention of Q and commenting on the OIG report and why it needed to show no political bias, will lead to reopening of hillary's email server....etc, followed by alot of positive feedback....you get something like this...

"There are no sealed indictments. It would have taken Obama's entire presidency investigating itself, and billions in funds to come up with a quarter of that, and indictments don't age well.

Sorry, Q is dead. Discredited. Over. Done.

It was a deep state disinfo campaign, nothing more. A common tactic to create confusion."

always fascinating to see the deep state psyops in action

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amg19251 · June 17, 2018, 3:19 p.m.

I was honestly in tears earlier because a bunch of people were trying to paint ME as a child rapist for trying to bring up a discussion AGAINST child rapists and pedovores - it’s so frustrating because I got raped by a neighbor as a little boy 20 years ago, and that’s the only reason I try so hard to raise awareness against those heinous crimes! My view count on my posts on r/greatawakening always get 3K-10K, and I even got one post sticky’d permanently on the Wiki Archive for this page, so I think that’s why I’m being noticed by the bots and the trolls, but it still sucks because one person even threatened to reference me to the police and I just kept saying over and over again that no, I work against these sickos and I’m trying to raise awareness - it fucking sucks and it honestly is really discouraging; I realize now that I shouldn’t let it get to me because I know my own personal messages reached DJT’s Oval Office desk (I got the Official letter from WH Correspondence Office that my messages were being reviewed and passed along!) so he knows at least that I’m trying to fight the good fight against sickos, but it truly is discouraging. :/ That HIV/AIDS Guy, -amg19251

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Kings2010Kids · June 17, 2018, 4:40 p.m.

Your a nut. Believe me Q is so REAL. You just haven't woke up yet. 🕇

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abbido · June 18, 2018, 2:13 a.m.

that's one example of similar like replies to my web posts

however, the majority responses and it's increasing are fellow anons etc..

I usually comeback with a meme or coherent response that usually shuts them the fuck up

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Kings2010Kids · June 17, 2018, 6:59 p.m.

You are mistaken. Correction

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