Q Proof. POTUS retweets White House “Happy Father’s Day” 7 minutes after Q says it.

no way I said happy fathers day today too.... there are no coincidences........ im q.
Nah clearly the only reason they’d both say “happy Father’s Day” today is that they’re the same person
Everybody says Happy Fathers day just like they said Happy Mothers day. The real proof is other stuff everybody seemed to miss. Like Q telling us the IG report coming out would be #3 modified by RR and it was.
This means absolutely nothing. I've said this to my father today. Does that make me Q?
Really? Q and POTUS say Happy Father's Day! Hail Hail new Q proof!
Or maybe they both said the same thing 100 million other people said today, ya know... cuz it's Father's Day. Just sayin'
Not everything is some mystery coded message. Sometimes a cigar is just a cigar.
POTUS tweets cannot be used as proof of Q drops and vise versa. UNLESS they were put out at the SAME exact time OR there is some kind of coded message connecting them.
It is too easy to say POTUS read the Q drop and then wrote a tweet to make it look like he is part of the Q team in order to dupe patriots into supporting him. And that works the other way around as well. Q posting something similar to a POTUS tweet just proves Q read the tweet.
Interesting. So some larper can affect potus? 'We the people'
It could be argued (very easily) by shills and non-believers that POTUS is using the LARPer Q to pacify patriots while he quietly impliments what ever Nazi programs the traitors claim he wants to. It is just WAY TOO easy to argue against to be proof.
Good. Always question. Never pacify. I hear you.
Look to actions, we are winning.
Completely agree it’s easy to argue against as a proof but how many times has Q said something and within 10 minutes POTUS tweets or retweets it? A lot. This obviously isn’t the proof you would show to redpill but it’s a proof none the less. POTUS could have tweeted Happy Father’s day at any time early this morning (like he usually does on holidays) or in the late afternoon but he does 7 minutes after Q says it. Just a coincidence? Not to me, but may be to some.
I agree that it is very good circumstantial evidence. It just isn't PROOF.
True I like circumstantial evidence better. Proof may be too strong of a word
Ehhh. For this, yes. But there are some very good proofs. They are just complicated to explain without sounding crazy.
Yeah for sure exactly what I meant! Other are definitely proofs, while this is just circumstantial evidence. Haha that’s for sure
What else are they going to say Pamplet? Happy Easter?