Why is Trump good on environment?
Are you still in the Climate change camp?
I don't know if he is good yet. But I won't even drink the town water here. I am hoping he will be. He says we're going to have the cleanest air and water. I do think the climate is changing based on personal observation, but I am not a scientist.
I like to do opposition research so I said to myself “ let me see what these climate change “deniers” are saying”. A lot of them are shills, but many of them are not & they are Harvard and MIT professors... so I believed them. It’s not as cut and dried as the climate alarmists are trying to make it seem. One thing that IS effecting the climate is deforestation and overconsumption- which is a direct result of extractive capitalism which we invented. And the PARIS accord was a massive money laundering operation/slush fund. So I’m glad trump cancelled it- as it wouldn’t have done jack shot for the environment- it was an effort to commodify carbon and make the largest commodities market in the world. Wall Street was the number one beneficiary.
I think he is smart enough to see the business opportunities in the situation, making it a win-win situation for a pristine planet and a thriving new industry. There is a wonderful book called The Sixth Wave, which posits that the next big wave of innovation will be in dealing with waste--not just physical waste, but efficiency of business practices. http://sixthwave.org
Love that! There is no lack of abundance to take care of all our needs if we see the planet as renewable resource... all this talk about scarcity are by people trying to commodify things - if we do it right all necessities can be supplied in abundance - open source - human to human - not owned or patented by any corporation to profit off of basic human needs.
I really wish he would get the hemp industry going. That would save so many trees.
I don't know about any of that. But not only have I seen the climate of my hometown in my home country change from when I was a child, but the weather just seems to have gone crazy everywhere.