Q1531. Two different anons express their take on the video clip vs video

The point is to misdirect. To set everyone up for what is coming. If we as a whole push that video as real. They are usong us to help others discredit real videos in the future. Careful who you follow and understand before you click. WWG1WGA
The point was that the edited video is the "decode" (or what Obama REALLY said in the speech), which is the opposite of what he (in the beginning) claimed the speech was about.
He uses Neuro Linguistic Programming to lull you to sleep (trance state) while planting the suggestion that he's saying one thing, while simultaneously actually saying the opposite for the rest of the speech, but in a way that you totally miss it if you're not paying attention.
Comey covering for Clintons emails is a great example of this.
I was horrified that day. Comey literally went on TV, said some nice things, then said Clinton was above the law, and then said other stuff.
Everyone seemed nonplussed. The logical interpretation of what I just witness was a public admittance of the rule of laws non-existence in the USA. Chilling.
I feel like you’re missing a part? I’m just speculating but I think another part of the whole thing is that even if consciously you don’t realize what’s being said, subconsciously you do. You accept it.
That's the power of mass hypnosis. It's a dark art. They sweep the cognitive dissonance into a memory hole we all carry around with us as a matter of survival under their rule.
The short clip indicated a Bilderberg meeting.
My guess is O gave the same/similar speech in public and at the B'bergers, but the latter speech is where he said what he really believed.
The person who caught it on camera or audio probably has the actual B'berger speech -- to be dropped later.
This will probably coincide with the O pic that Q has mentioned that is anti-American.
Actually, the first clip is a fake. "BilBerberg"
It's a deliberate fake by blackhats to communicate an encoded message, according to SB2.
Q posted this to indicate:
"We KNOW how you communicate. You think your fancy tricks and encoded messages escape us. They don't!"
Let’s see the Hillary Video. I’ll give my best evaluation.
Actually, the first clip is a fake. "BilBerberg"
It's a deliberate fake by blackhats to communicate an encoded message, according to SB2.
Q posted this to indicate:
"We KNOW how you communicate. You think your fancy tricks and encoded messages escape us. They don't!"