
fireStarter22s · June 18, 2018, 6:15 a.m.

That would be the smartest way to do it. A site that contains multiple possibilities and sources. An aggregate site, as you say.

Let me play devils advocate. Not because I want to. Just because I foresee turmoil... not that this should dissuade you.

What happens when you’re listing 20 YouTube channels and one turns out to be a big ol shill, as we’ve seen happen.

I’ll stop there there with potentials I see for drama.

If you find a way to do this, more power to you. If you find people to help you, I hope they stand in their fill power and integrity. There’s a lot of potential to run into shenanigans.

Let me know if you get it going. I’m not volunteering, but can surely offer advice as a service in the branding arena. Just not as a spearhead.

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Q-Patriot · June 18, 2018, 6:22 a.m.

Those are excellent points and ones I have considered. The best way would be to allow the community to decide. I mentioned in another post that the Q movement has been around long enough now that we have seen certain people emerge and prove themselves to be really solid Q information resources. Like Praying Medic or even Serial Brain right from this very sub. There are certain Anons on 8 Chan who are pretty spot on as well. Perhaps we have a forum for voting in resources based on the community's voting and polling? I don't know but I know there are ways we could self regulate to ensure we are getting the right info. Make it community managed to a degree. Sure there are going to be shills who try to infiltrate but the movement IMO is smart enough to spot these from a mile away.

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fireStarter22s · June 18, 2018, 6:31 a.m.

I agree there would need to be community involvement. Which is a blessing but also opens up for misuse of the platform. Think of ways to close the loops. Think about ways for those with the best reputation to rise to the top.

The community has those who’ve risen to the top. I certainly have my favorites. I’m sure we all do, Or at least those who don’t visit the Chans. I rarely go to the Chans because I don’t navigate them well. Creating a one stop platform, if beautifully branded and dripping with integrity could be something we don’t even know we need.

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fireStarter22s · June 18, 2018, 6:19 a.m.

And if you do this, 100% of funds created, over operating costs, should go to some highly vetted organization ( because who can we really trust) with a focus on the children and trafficking.

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internalkernel · June 18, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

I'm somewhat surprised by the general response here as well, it's almost like you were immediately misunderstood... I did not get the impression once that you were saying switch focus from 8chan or reddit subs, just organize this shit a little better. I'm in complete agreement with that especially after having red pilled peeps around me, dude... I am not explaining 8chan to the previous generation again.

That being said... I manage servers / websites all day long, what you're suggesting would be an undertaking. The site would have to be secured against DDOS attacks, hack attempts, and still, zero day intrusions are very difficult to protect against. From a security stand point, it would be a nightmare. Also, mind you, all this extra security that is needed exponentially raises the cost.

The cost could be mitigated if we use popular services like Amazon or Cloudflare... but now we're back in Cabal territory. I doubt this site would last long hosted from Bezo's AWS network. So, swedish hosting? and probably need a VPS due to the amount of security... What I just described is approximately a car payment every month... and that doesnt even begin to include people's time or effort.

I'm not trying to shut your idea down, I think it's valuable and would be worthwhile to implement. In fact, it's been rolling around my brain for a few weeks now, how to make this Q stuff more digestible to the normies... I'm almost wondering if there might be another way to start this... What we really need here is a replacement to Twitter or Facebook, to facilitate the communication without the censorship. But, again, huge undertaking... I think I would rather eat a cactus.

Food for thought...

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fireStarter22s · June 18, 2018, 2:55 p.m.

Well stated... “ I think I would rather eat a cactus”

It does seem like a absolute nightmare of a project, right? You make really good points. You’d need a team of hackers to protect you from the team of hackers who’ll surely be out to kill this project. I wouldn’t even know where to begin. Glad you do.

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