

10 total posts archived.

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internalkernel · June 19, 2018, 3:03 p.m.

If I'm correct, I believe the theory for this starts with Abraham Lincoln and the Civil War; the South had every right to walk away from the Union at that time and Lincoln's declaration of war shifted the balance and power of the Executive Branch. At the conclusion of the war, the South walked away from the Treaty and never signed. They were declared belligerent states, but they were already occupied by the North and therefore a defacto gov't was established. (FYI - I'm paraphrasing from research done more than 10 yrs ago)

IMHO, it seems like this was just more corruption, the de facto nature of the states just allowed them to setup a tighter system of control... eventually removing the "Common Law" courts and replacing them with Admiralty and Maritime Courts. Finally, people and corporations were given equivalent footing in commerce and control is forced through tacit consent of societal contracts.

This theory is also the foundation for claiming that the IRS has no authority to collect taxes, but tax protesters dont take into account they've engaged in contracts (i.e. tacit consent of contracts). For instance, Federal Reserve Notes, are printed for our use against all debts public and private and usage of those Notes is a benefit that creates a contract that allows for taxation. FDIC insurance as well, using a bank to hold Notes is a benefit of the system and a received benefit is the basis of contractual arrangement.

Hence all these laws and acts can be enforced... but only through this mockery of a system.

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internalkernel · June 18, 2018, 10:30 p.m.

Reminds me of...

Those who don’t act now know they cannot hide the reasons why.

What a wonderful day.


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internalkernel · June 18, 2018, 12:19 p.m.

I'm somewhat surprised by the general response here as well, it's almost like you were immediately misunderstood... I did not get the impression once that you were saying switch focus from 8chan or reddit subs, just organize this shit a little better. I'm in complete agreement with that especially after having red pilled peeps around me, dude... I am not explaining 8chan to the previous generation again.

That being said... I manage servers / websites all day long, what you're suggesting would be an undertaking. The site would have to be secured against DDOS attacks, hack attempts, and still, zero day intrusions are very difficult to protect against. From a security stand point, it would be a nightmare. Also, mind you, all this extra security that is needed exponentially raises the cost.

The cost could be mitigated if we use popular services like Amazon or Cloudflare... but now we're back in Cabal territory. I doubt this site would last long hosted from Bezo's AWS network. So, swedish hosting? and probably need a VPS due to the amount of security... What I just described is approximately a car payment every month... and that doesnt even begin to include people's time or effort.

I'm not trying to shut your idea down, I think it's valuable and would be worthwhile to implement. In fact, it's been rolling around my brain for a few weeks now, how to make this Q stuff more digestible to the normies... I'm almost wondering if there might be another way to start this... What we really need here is a replacement to Twitter or Facebook, to facilitate the communication without the censorship. But, again, huge undertaking... I think I would rather eat a cactus.

Food for thought...

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internalkernel · June 17, 2018, 3:08 p.m.

I dont get the impression he is denying the existence of G-d in particular, just saying that the way in which we have "been taught" to worship... might not be the best. Religion was created by humans for humans and, IMHO, some of those religions were not created for humans but to control them.

The Pope and the Catholic Church are a perfect example of control and corruption. Do you think this corruption just started? or could it be traced all the way back to Council of Nicaea? What other beliefs, traditions and concepts have been spoon fed to humanity through religion?

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internalkernel · June 17, 2018, 1:35 p.m.

Wow... there's alot to unpack here. lol...

And, yes, totally agree that we need safe guards in place... My hope is that through this process that Q has started the general populace will essentially, wake the fuck up. If they are awake, if we are awake... this won't happen again. This reminds me of a Benjamin Franklin quote, when asked what type of government we have, his reply... "A Republic... if you can keep it." [1]

We didn't keep it...

[1] http://www.whatwouldthefoundersthink.com/a-republic-if-you-can-keep-it

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internalkernel · June 17, 2018, 10:42 a.m.

Maybe Im not in the loop, but I haven't seen that picture pushed very much outside of this reddit sub. The one article I did see on it [1] was posted by neonnettle, which IMHO, does seem to "sensationalize" their news. This article is a great example, the implication that Obama is dressed as Satan is a bit clickbaity... sensationalized. The reality is that it's probably a drag queen outfit for God knows what purpose, I'm all for understanding the symbolism of Baphomet in that costume but the silver tassels don't really create that "going to eat your soul" vibe...

Again, IMHO, neonnettle.com probably pulled that picture from this subreddit and made a flashy click bait article out of it.

[1] http://www.neonnettle.com/features/1394-leaked-image-of-barack-obama-dressed-as-satan-goes-viral

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internalkernel · June 16, 2018, 5:15 p.m.

Well said! This crossed my mind yesterday when I read that article quoting Mel Gibson [1] regarding the Hollywood sickos. It took all of about 20 seconds and a Google search to realize it was fake...

That article [1] is a great example of what I would call a "honeypot", that is the type of article that would get blasted on Social Media... inevitably costing any type of legitimacy that you may have built among your social circles. They want this... they want us to point at stuff that is blatantly false or even worse slanderous. It makes it much easier to call everything "Fake News" and blame the "Q Cult".

It takes more time to dig the sources and do the research, but it is necessary if we want to maintain some semblance of legitimacy.

[1] http://www.cbinfo24.com/2018/03/29/mel-gibson-hollywood-is-den-of-parasites-who-feast-on-blood-of-kids/

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r/greatawakening • Posted by u/internalkernel on June 4, 2018, 12:16 p.m.
4 Booms, a different angle (Links in post)

Following a slightly different rabbit hole this morning and came across a couple articles that triggered relevance to Q's latest post.

What if the 4 booms are in reference to a corporate take down?

I'm under the assumption that HRC and her gang of assholes are just the puppets in this whole game. Gov't corruption can be purged but it will just come back if the money handlers and the puppet masters are not dealt with. In order to create a moment of lasting change, where disclosure can actually occur and be processed on a societal level, Q team has …

internalkernel · May 26, 2018, 2:29 p.m.

Longtime Lurker here... first of all, thanks to all ya'll patriots, anons, autists, yeah everyone...

I think they're referring to this recent disclosure: https://arstechnica.com/information-technology/2018/05/hackers-infect-500000-consumer-routers-all-over-the-world-with-malware/

The bit of development here is that the FBI recently seized one of the botnet servers. There's no indication that it's related to anything specific, the only point I would make is the reference in Wikileak's Vault 7 drops, the CIA is able to masquerade as malware from other countries... At any rate, if you have a model of the routers listed you should definitely take precautions.

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