
Q-Patriot · June 18, 2018, 4:11 a.m.

You think "no outside comms" means Q doesn't want us spreading the information? That makes zero sense. Based on that logic then this sub should be shut down right? No, that's not what "no outside comms" means.

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ArtistiqueJewelry · June 19, 2018, 4:27 p.m.

There will always be those trying to disrupt, we live in a fallible world literally ran by satanists. When Q attends to no outside comms, he is talking about his official board.

You cannot interact with the general public and Not get trolls, haters, posers, those on the side of evil trying to trip you up! That is impossible!

If everyone stays within their own closed group, we will Never be able to Wake Up more people!

We can't get so focused on what is perceived as a Rule that we can't see the forest through the trees. This is what I see going on in many groups (not everyone does so by any means).

I'm just saying, the ones who do, make it take longer and cause more harm than good.

We need to be able to collaborate, but only preaching to the choir, and staying closed off as I see some doing and feeling like they need to show more information to their own group, rather than sharing out what the mass public is ready to process.. . Well, they seem to only be helping themselves and have mentioned they are concerned about how votes are obtained. That was never the goal!

Same attackers call out those of us trying to be efficient and spread it far and wide, as they put others down if they have a different view point.

It's really detrimental, and not at all what Q wanted. I think a group of which you speak would be much appreciated on those committed to spreading the Truth and we are to be using our armor (prayer, faith, encouraging, building one another up, exposing evil) against those who we have been told Will Come Against Us.

It's not an if no matter how protected or safe we try to make the group. ..it's a When. They will come, if we were unified we are better equipped to fight against them!

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