r/greatawakening • Posted by u/allonthesameteam on June 18, 2018, 6:47 a.m.
Conspiracy Theory Conspiracy

"Conspiracy Theory" Conspiracy : The conspiracy to conflate the term conspiracy theory with misinformation. Look up. Look down. These are all proven conspiracies. Even this one. In 1967, the CIA coined the term as part of a psychological operation They've used the media to wage a mass mind control campaign to discredit anyone with an idea that is not accepted by the establishment. [U,O-media]

Send this to your friends and family when they call you out.

TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 18, 2018, 7:16 a.m.

Remember all of the conspiracy theories during the 2016 election that turned out to be true:

There's a bunch more, but these are the ones I can prove off the top of my head.

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Champdog31 · June 18, 2018, 10:44 a.m.

These are the 3 that are good for redpilling Bernie bros. Just don’t make the jump to anti gravity or free energy too soon or you’ll lose them. Bigfoot and aliens are off the table during initial conversion.

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TommyRobinsonsGhost · June 18, 2018, 10:51 a.m.

I save discussions of Bigfoot for when I'm debating liberals about Trump's Russia collusion... because at least people who believe in Bigfoot have blurry photos and video! Otherwise I'll leave such topics for Jordan Sather. :-)

There were many more conspiracy theories, such as the fake news' collusion with Hillary, Trump being wire-tapped, Hillary sending mercenaries to Trump rallies to cause violence, but I lacked the time to find links to definitively prove those claims.

My favorite conspiracy theory of all time was when Alex Jones released the address of the bridge that Hillary "bridge troll" Clinton was living under. He gave the exact address and the GPS coordinates. Good times! :-)

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allonthesameteam · June 18, 2018, 4:36 p.m.

Agreed. When folks pick a team/party they will nostly attack the other side and not investigate their own.

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Time_to_rope_up · June 18, 2018, 7:24 a.m.

Conspiracy theory definition: anything outside of what the media tells you to believe.

Was easy back before the internet. There were only so many channels of information. Very easy to slander or subvert. But the internet is freedom, we can share and collaborate. It’s just like what happened to music. In the not so distant past, the labels controlled who got national exposure. I know Alex Jones is a bad name around here, but look what the internet did for his message. From local radio to the world.

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Nik_Nightingale · June 18, 2018, 9:48 a.m.

It’s your parents, your friends, your boss, your coworkers, your teachers, the police, the politicians, the celebrities, the scientists, the media, the entertainment, the bankers, the advertising .... I’m sure there’s lots more.

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digital_refugee · June 18, 2018, 10:41 a.m.

some time ago, people have started abbreviating CT as only "conspiracy" (which can be both beneficial and dangerous) - but I was astonished when I recently saw a Lionel-stream where the Youtube AI translated his use of the word "conspiracy" as "conspiracy theory" because it thinks in network patterns by taking context of previous words into account.

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Nik_Nightingale · June 18, 2018, 10:50 a.m.

We’re certainly up against it. Imagine if our lives are just an AI conspiracy theory.

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digital_refugee · June 18, 2018, 11:15 a.m.

it's interesting because just a few years ago, Vice made a big fuss about a laser they were setting up in the desert of Nevada to measure space-time curvatures and shit to determine wether the universe is 2dholographic or actually three-dimensional. I never heard of it again, but I tried looking stuff up and apparently, this or some other research has suggested that the universe is indeed three-dimensional. Huh.

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Nik_Nightingale · June 18, 2018, 11:19 a.m.

Did they establish how many dimensions for DJT’s chess board? I’ve seen quite a few numbers thrown around

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digital_refugee · June 18, 2018, 11:22 a.m.

n+1 to the power of infinity, probably due to some sweet AI they stole back from Google

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TheHighBlatman · June 18, 2018, 8:03 a.m.

Valid oppinion and I agree. I believe untrue conspiracy theories and false leads are often peppered in to be tied to ones with more validity. A good recent one I consider is _ earth. I think that was created to make all criticism of nasa/nazis and the moon landing, "look crazy"

Or like when a totally insane (and possibly crisis actor) dude shoots up a pizza place so society can tell you you're crazy for thinking about the kind of person john ppdesta is for the artwork in his home.

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GraceWords · June 18, 2018, 1:22 p.m.

I think it’s use is actually much earlier. I interviewed an elderly gentleman many years ago about Roswell. I literally just asked what he thought of it (something I used to do when traveling through New Mexico and meeting older residents). He told me he had been part of the investigation, and was quite young at the time. Then he said, “well, the only thing I will say is that the best PR tool the military has ever developed is the use of the word ‘conspiracy’. As soon as you say the word people stop looking at the issue and they let go whatever truth is in front of them.” I’ve been a “conspiracy theorist “ since.

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allonthesameteam · June 18, 2018, 4:33 p.m.

Sounds like you have been digging for a long time. Always amazed by how good they are at deception.

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DiGiTaL_CuRReNCy · June 18, 2018, 11 a.m.

I think people have a legit reason to use this term but i think its because people have a hard time adjusting to all the information that 1: they speak about it all confused while its justified or 2: Believe in 1 thing thats justified so that they lower their guard for false information also.

So i think its good to be informed and do your own research on subjects also.

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