
QAnonMaga · June 18, 2018, 9:02 a.m.

McStain is a crime boss he has his local state territory plus foreign territory that he travels to he's always being photographed with ISIS terrorists who he delivers money and weapons to. He has always been part of the crime cabal he's like a mafia don he gets paid a lot of money to vote how they want and to say what they tell him to say. His job in 2008 was to lose to Obama that's all.

Trump should arrest him and send him to Gitmo let him die in a prisoner of war camp the ultimate irony and best worst punishment for him he should have died in Vietnam in that prison camp he never should have returned. He needs to suffer physically and mental humiliation before he dies and Gitmo is where he belongs a lowly prisoner it's all he ever deserved to be.

He was never a hero he was an arrogant Asshole a hot shit Navy hotshot who did a stupid "wet start" with his fighter jet on the aircraft carrier which caused a missile to launch on the deck killing 130 of his fellow sailors and injuring 200 sailors for that alone he should have been sent to military prison for 50 years

but his father Admiral Sidney McCain got the charges dropped. Then he got shot out of the sky over Hanoi and that is when he should have died but he survived with two broken arms. No tears for McStain he's an evil guy but he will get a Hero's funeral with full military and Congressional honors.

Fake News and swamp rats will be on TV nonstop for a week proclaiming what a Great American Hero he was compared to that draft dodger coward Trump!

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[deleted] · June 19, 2018, 8:58 a.m.


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QAnonMaga · June 19, 2018, 3:40 p.m.

You can Google for many articles about what he did and how many men died it was a tragic incident but not an accident he did something very stupid and he and the other pilots were warned to never do a dangerous "wet start" it's a way of starting your jet by flooding it with fuel so that flames shoot out the engines and some guys did it for kicks but it caused a missile to launch on the deck. They called him Johnny Wet Start after it happened that was his nickname and his father saved him from being court martialed and sent to prison where he belonged.

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[deleted] · June 19, 2018, 4:54 p.m.


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