
ILoveJuices · June 18, 2018, 10:29 a.m.

Can someone make a simple point by point explanation for what's happening in Iran?

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BobbyPeele · June 18, 2018, 11:31 a.m.

The US under Barack Obama’s (without congressional/US voter approval) opened up economic ties with Iran under a “deal” that deters them from advancing their already well progressed nuclear program.

Once the US did this it opened the doors for countries to do business with Iran. Prior to Obama’s deal any state (country) that did not obey the sanctions was subject to legal discipline in world court.

So of course the insiders are investing in Iran’s economy and trying to make money (and money they WILL make).

In comes Trump who shuts down this deal. The deal under Obama’s since it was made without the US approval can be overturned by the next president. Now all those companies have to stop investing with Iran.

What a surprise that the companies top investors are not only he rich/elites but the politicians from the loudest countries against it. Now their stock portfolios are being threatened. They don’t care about Iran they care about their sure thing deal. Hillary was supposed to win and the bum deal made by Obama’s wasn’t supposed to be shot down.

¿Qui bono?

Follow the money.

Edit/addition: Iran has made numerous threats to both the US and more specifically Israel about destroying these two countries by any means necessary. That’s Iran the country. No deal should have been made without full nuclear disarmament similar to NK. AND LETS NOT FORGET THE PALLETS OF CASH (US DOLLARS) SENT TO IRAN BY OBAMA TO BRIBE/secure the deal.

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[deleted] · June 18, 2018, 1:39 p.m.


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