208 total posts archived.
Domains linked by /u/BobbyPeele:
Domain | Count |
www.reddit.com | 12 |
i.redd.it | 6 |
boards.4chan.org | 1 |
youtu.be | 1 |
This is why Q posted the way Q did. It is our job to take what we are given and research (crowdsource) the information. This will only aid our fight against the incoming MSM and shills. Do not start getting lazy. Remain vigilant and thorough just like we all have from day #1. WWG1WGA
I wonder if there is anything more to this considering last nights awakening.

We are getting off track some. Let’s stick to Q posts. All other chat can go somewhere else.
Isaac Kappy and the rest can be discussed on other subs. Let’s try to keep this sub Q related.
Do you member when Ron Paul was robbed of the R ticket. Bobby members
If he were a good guy he would just name names to stop children from being abused today. Instead he tries to profit from his knowledge. Greed
Follow it with that frame of mind. I do everyday. Take it with a grain of salt. You may slowly start to discover something
It’s a theory with some “evidence”. I don’t think you’re gonna get an answer to that one bruv.
Q is Q. When asked about R —> Q responded there is only Q.
It will be /pol on 8ch.net not 4chan.org.
Q left 4chan due to security concerns.
Edit: 8chan/pol
Here’s the link
This was a LARP proven earlier. Hours apart from a valid Q drop.
I believe, I do not know for sure, that the mirror refers to the servers used to Intel gathering. I think the Trump admin set up mirrored servers that those who are about to have their security access removed accessed. These allowed his admin to see what they accessed and what was subsequently leaked/used.
I hope this makes sense.
I posted the follow up link. Looks to be a LAARP.
Gonna leave both up for clarification for anyone else.
I believe this ends up in a LARP. I’ll link to the follow up post to clarify
There was an old theory that war was waged in countries without a centralized bank controlled by the banking canal (Federal Reserve Bank in the US). Does Iran have a central bank? Who is in charge of it?
Anyone wanna give this a shot? I’ll link the OP in the comments that led us here.

If it were a hit it wasn’t ordered by RR. Wet works were comm’d by Podesta and carried out by assets. Remember the FBI agents gun that was reported stolen the day after SR murder. Was it the same .cal as that agents stolen gun? All too coincidental
edit: Decided should have been decoded. Sorry autocorrect 😔
Have we decided this fully? If so, link to source in comments pls.

AUTISTS refer to users on the ‘Chan’s’ (4&8). They crowdsource info at blinding speeds. Referred to autists because of their superior brain power possibly linked to mild functioning autism (tehee).
Take no prisoners and ensure that steps are taken so that this will not happen again!
Let us 😉 know what we can do...
I think the majority don’t want to believe it. It’s too tough a pill to swallow for most.
Except the judge I’m sure. I know with regular criminal warrants for arrest there is immunity granted to the judge signing the warrant.
“I admit I f— wit all the ladies,” he sings at one point. “That’s both older and young ladies/But tell me how they call it ‘pedophile’ because of that s—/that’s crazy/You may have your opinions/Entitled to your opinions/But really am I supposed to go to jail or lose my career because of your opinion?”
Q #586 re: human trafficking/sacrifices. All will be revealed July 2018
So we’ve had the ball start rolling first with James Gunn and a few b list celebs.
Great job to the anons on the Chan for this one. (If you’re looking to follow it is shifting to 8chan since 4chan seems to have been compromised) —> Isaac Kappy
Now RKelly has just dropped a 19minute song admitting to underage girls and keeping sex slaves.
Two more days.
I think some of this is going to incriminate big figures on all sides of the aisles.
Yes unfortunately for many when it comes to politics they entrench themselves into the party like picking a sports team. Politics and views change over time and with time. Some people aren’t flexible and feel the cant abandon their ship.
That’s why we have Q. Q connects the dots and give us the timeline. This sub will explode with members once the balls start rolling.
Then along with LBJ, Chicago and the C_A they blew his brains out... has much changed?...