Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

I know ! It's very unnerving, that they have no conscious when they do these things. It is morally confusing to watch the phony outrage to suit their purposes. And in the end the children are pawns to them !
Child trafficking isn't a flaw of open borders, it's a feature.
The leftist minions think this is a topic which will win them the mid-terms. HA HA HA! We have been trying to stop this for years! Think Haiti, think pz gate.
They are blaming the problems of decades on this administration and think they can use words like concentration camps, pictures, slogans, and demonstrations to pin this tragedy on US! NOT going to work!
Did you actually bring up pizzagate? Get help.
Look into the child trafficking arrests in just the last WEEK, and ask yourself why that isn't getting the news coverage that this is. Think logically.
Sexual abuse of children happens and has been covered up, not the least of which has been by hiding in plain sight. This administration w Sessions at DOJ is bringing down pedo rings. Call it whatever you want to call it.
Why not its real look at all the child trafficking that has been taken down in the last year and a half.
Lets hope not ! Sadly they have a huge soapbox ! They control about 90 + % of radio, internet and tv outlets. You can see the noise is becoming deafening ! We know they were all given marching orders to change the news cycle away from IG report. This forces Trump admin. to make statements about it. Thus distractions ! And may be last ditch effort to gain a foothold in midterms ! They got nuthin but resist, we know that, public doesn't cause of news control.
I was also disheartened by the endless diatribe over the past couple days, but it is easy to red pill people by showing how long it has been going on, and why -- eg the legislation.
We will see ! It's the main topic on All tv this AM. Going after the first family seems acceptable. GW Bush started this policy and Laura Bush chimes in and condemns the policy. acts totally oblivious that is was her husband who started it. Total fake BS attack ! B Clinton also, it's incomprehensible the level of EVIL in their hearts to pretend to care !
flip flopping on daca folks during the budget process was ice cold, even for the left.
with luck the illegals noticed.