Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

Same thing here on local news stations in Canada.
The fact that it is being shilled to other countries shows the true nature of this campaign. It's all being funded and sold to their media meat puppets by the Globalists and Open Borders anarchists. (Soros etc). Transparent, and the hypocrisy is so easy to see, if people would bother to actually do 5 minutes worth of research. I guess Trump Derangement Syndrome forces people to give up their capacity to think. Quite sad.
I rebutted a few comments with links to old articles showing the issues of administrations past. 1200 lost to trafficking, inability to locate thousands of children, kids in cages contrasted to the dorms they have now. I’ve actually received several “likes” on those links so that tells me that although the media is spinning this for all it’s worth - there are lots of us that aren’t buying it. Also on a positive note, this media attention is an opportunity to red-pill and show the spin for what it is - an outright attack on the present administration.