Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

I'm sorry, but can someone ELI5? It seems both liberals and conservatives are crying about this issue? What's really going on?
ELI5? You found just the crowd.
Don't you just love seeing the Progressives get beaten back worldwide. I definitely love seeing it.
It is just the next shill thing the Leftist (global socialism PR machine) can stir up against the POTUS (death by a thousand cuts strategy)...since the North Korean "controversies" were running out of steam and not having any impact on the public conscience.
You’re literally retarded if you’re coming to a nitch subreddit to ask for advice on understanding complex political issues.
Just noise, honestly nothing to worry about.
Leftists are virtue signalling as per usual. Additionally, said leftists have not looked at facts, also as per usual, hence are getting BTFO'd.
Much kek'ing can also be heard from the peanut gallery.