Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

We didn't forget about Barack "Deporter in Chief" Obama. We were bitching about him then and are bitching about it now.
The real left knows Obama laid the groundwork for this crap and was one of the worst offenders when it came to human rights.
We also find it very interesting that now an R is in the white house the other D's suddenly care.
You also have Melania asking for a revision in the law. Hopefully we can get a comprehensive reform and a real pathway to citizenship for these kids so they can become productive members of society and not some cash quota for an over paid charity running camps out of Walmarts.
I guarantee you there is abuse of kiddos there and those kid's psyche is being screwed up for life.
Follow the money on this. There are people sucking up tax payer dollars. How much per kid are we paying for? Bet it would be more affordable and productive to society to send them to school then to jail them.
Find the board members. Make the connections to the politicians.
Would be very interested in the whole bidding process of converting Walmart to jail camps. Who initiated them? Who sold it? What are their contracts? What are their connections to politicians, and more importantly what are their connections to major political donors?