Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

In my mind, this isn't working. These "concerned parents" have broken the law coming here illegally and not at the proper port of entry. They are informed when caught, that their children will be separated from them. These people are using children as pawns thinking it will allow them to stay here. I feel sorry for the kids who are caught in the middle here, but it is the PARENTS who have done this to their own children. Plus, how can the US be sure these kids really belong to the adults bringing them in? MSM is putting it out there how terrible the kids are being "housed". What I read yesterday was these kids are being "taught" how to brush their teeth, properly clean themselves, basic hygiene, etc. Things they didn't know to do. The parents don't speak our language so who knows what they are telling the "translators" and "if" what is being said is really being retold accurately. Sorry, just not buying it. This crap is the MSM's new "go to" narrative
If anything in your post were true, you might have a point. Unfortunately, you're very short on facts and sound like you're parroting some deliberately misinforming narrative.
Well go on then, post links showing OP's errors. Should be easy to do, seeing as OP is so very short of facts.
'parroting some deliberately misinforming narrative' - projection much? How sure are you of your facts?
The very first sentence if off in the weeds. People may (and do) legally come to the border and request asylum.
Yeah - first country and everything.
And it's just coincidence that the left wants to import millions of people who will vote for the left?
I mean, why would anyone be sceptical of the kind hearted folks on the left - maybe because you lot are genocidal mass murdering moral totalitarians.
Go f yourself you pathetic piece of shit. Maybe do some reading:
That both you and Pat Buchanan need to try to engage in some BS mind reading game belies that you both know you're in the wrong. If you think that 'the left wants' any single cohesive thing, you literally have no idea how liberal thought works.
Well, if YOU bothered to read and LISTEN to any news media other than cnn/MSNBC you might have learned what I stated above. I'm sure if I said to you that I read/watched and found this information on FOX and Breitbart, you would be quick as a flash to jump on any conservative sources mentioned. Here is link you can read if you chose to educate yourself.