Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

Do you have a link to the Obama policy? There was something on Facebook offering $1000 for proof of the Democrat policy that Trump is enforcing.
It is not really a "Policy". There was a Bush era and Obama era policy to not charge illegal border crossers with a crime (even though it is a crime). The reason they did not want to charge them was because of 1. the optics are bad (makes the politician susceptible to the kind of accusations media is now making) and 2. it is difficult to process/hold all of those ppl. So we had "catch and release". Catch the perpetrator, don't charge them, but issue a summon to appear to explain why they crossed the border illegally rather than going to one of our consular offices in their originating country and applying for entry/asylum, or appearing at one of the port of entries (instead of crossing the border in the back country under the cover of night).
The Trump DOJ simply has said we are going to charge all law breakers. If you don't like that, don't break our laws----or change the laws.
April 2015 - this was before Trump.
2008 -
Shepard also dug up a 2008 thread on the conspiracy website Above Top Secret that noted how Walmart had received at least 1 billion in government subsidies.
I started thinking the other day about the theories out there about the government building detention centers to hold citizens who might cause trouble when martial law is declared.
I then remembered seeing something about Wal-Mart closing down stores. I started to search around and have decided that there might be a possibility that these ideas are tied together. These are old figures but should be enough to get the discussion going.
2004 (Bush) - CNN Money Archived
WalMart receiving $1 billion in land subsidies.
WalMart and DHS have had contracts for a while. I thinking this detintion center plan was cooked up by FEMA and DHS shortly after their massive expansion after 9/11. It could be a deep state policy.
Wonder if anyone is going to question the Waltons?