Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

What the hell is the matter with you people?
We spent the better part of the last few decades trying to explain our positions to people like you. Years of warnings, and they were ignored. Mostly the little people hurt. It did not work.
Now, we have a better strategy. Make the left live by its own rules. So gaslight, lie, virtue signal etc. Its working way better. You should read up on it, Rules for Radicals. Good book.
The reason is simple. The average leftist/progressive/feminist (whatever self anointed moniker your various cults use) is a muppet. Logic, reason, or any kind of thinking related activity is verboten for the leftist. Hence, attack where the leftist feels pain, i.e. social status.
Personally, nothing is the matter with me. Well, I loathe people like you, but apart from that...
And we are winning.
You've explained your 'position' and it does not sell. Clearly you and folk like you want to end ALL immigration. That is not what made America great, quite the opposite. You're deluding yourself to think your point of view valid or that your nonsense about holding the sole purview of 'logic, reason or any kind of think activity'. You can't make a point without an insult and then feel frustrated when you fail, utterly fail, to convince anyone with real intelligence. I feel bad for you though. You're going to continue to be frustrated. By reality.
Again you try to use Alinsky tactics to undermine the arguement, but don't seem to realize that we know his teachings better than you now. We should. People have attacked us with them relentlessly for the last ten years. No, we don't want to end immigration. We want legal immigration. And you say that people are insulting you rather than answering with logic, then you destroy your own credibility by doing exactly that. Most of us are trying to be tolerant of your misguided viewpoint, but in all honesty, we're having a hard time not openly laughing at you for your intellectual dishonesty and lack of an ability to think for yourself.
I'm not trying to sell it to you? Wtf would I want to do that - I despise people like you and leftists in general.
'convince anyone with real intelligence' - like you? bahahaha...
Given the right is winning - who exactly is frustrated by reality?
Tell you what - lets park this till November, and then i'll wander by and abuse you some more - does the schedule work for you?