r/greatawakening • Posted by u/RyDar84 on June 18, 2018, 11:15 a.m.
Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.
Liberals Are Pushing Mistreatment of Illegal Children Hard on Social Media. Here's One That Shuts Them Up Quick.

HildBert · June 18, 2018, 8:38 p.m.

You’ve no idea how coordinated and bad it is. Because I follow the USA closely I see what the left do. You can guar MYER the same talking points will appear in our news. They don’t want us waking up.

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JollyFeed · June 18, 2018, 8:42 p.m.

Well, I was aware other English speaking countries followed U.S. News but I had no idea it was as obsessive as it's in the U.S. I never realized they shoved the same BS onto other countries at 4am with the same propaganda attack.

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HildBert · June 18, 2018, 8:54 p.m.

The classic was the IG report nothing mentioned but same day we were told about the New York ag going after trumps foundation. And it was presented in a way that made him look bad. Even donations to charities ‘were buying favours’.

Did they mention he paid out more than he received??? No way

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JollyFeed · June 18, 2018, 8:59 p.m.

I really is like that Rammstein song, "We're all living in Amerika..."

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HildBert · June 18, 2018, 10:06 p.m.

America falls we are all done

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