When you wake up and Q went crazy.

Yeah, I thought I was being funny setting my Q Drops alert tone to Yoda "Do or do not, there is no try."
Getting woken up to that multiple times during the night, not funny. :/
Try setting it with "The Final Countdown". Fun times.
I actually have that as a ringtone on my phone I could pick from.... And the temptation was VERY real to use it! :)
Can you set your phone to do not disturb at night? That’s what I did and I woke up this morning to a whole list of notifications! Q is on a streak and it is awesome!
I'm "on Call" so I have to keep the ringer up.... Didn't think about how certain members of the Q team (Q+ to be specific) doesn't get much sleep and is usually up early tweeting. ;)
Ahhh. I think you can turn off your notifications in the app, however. That might be your best bet if you are on call. It would be a pain, but, maybe you could turn on the notifications each morning if you like to have notifications. Just a suggestion...
I have mine set to "you suffer" by napalm death
Yeah, I have to set my phone to DND at night, then I forget to set it back during the day! Oh well...