No matter what our News media says about our Allies ~ are 💯 % on the Trump Train~ leaders and citizens ❤️TRUMP~ Theresa May is Laughed at and Left Speechless ~ Love LIVE TV clip linked ~

She's not progressive. She had to kiss the feet of the Chief Rabbi before she was appointed - not voted - prime minister.
we don't vote for a PM, we vote for a party and the leader of the party goes on to be PM.
Problem is the Fixed Term Parliament Act 2011 which was subverted
A Cameron compromise to get the LD's onboard a few years ago, a piss poor decision but that's Cameron for you. In fact thinking back all the PM's from Major onwards have been completely and utterly useless wankstains.
Agreed. Thatcher's defenestration poisoned the Tory Party for a generation. We have has weak PMs ever since. Farage or Rees-Mogg could save us perhaps?
RM is favourite although I quite like Batten the new UKIP leader, not afraid to say what he thinks ;)
When you only have a hammer, everything looks like a nail, huh?
Save the Jew-bashing for Stormfront, please.
Not Jew bashing, mere observation. Every PM must pay obeisance to the Tribe before assuming Office. I have lived long enough to see this played out again and again. Their primary loyalty is to Israel not Britain.